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RE: Cryptocurrency prediction (bitshares)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Hello, i see you're kind of new here. i know its kind of overwhelming when you come in first and here you can make a a lot of money by just posting stuff. Well that's true but remember that its people that pay people and the best way t do this is build relationships on this platform. #
Also you would want to avoid looking desperate like with this commenting thing look 7 people saw this but no one commented or upvoted. tells you you need a change. I say you made a comment on someones post with a referral link. Be careful with that it could get you flagged and see your rep go to 0.
Take some time to learn how the platform works and we all can earn.
Following you and hoping to see you grow as steemit does.
Thanks and have a great day.
P.s you might want to work on your home page, a pic and a description will do wonders.