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RE: *Security Protocol 101* - Educating yourself on Cold Storage and Paper Wallets for your coins

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Something to note though, and which will hopefully help someone out there. The Ledger can be a bit buggy, well the Chrome app can. Not long ago I decided to log into my Nano to check the balance since I wasn't sure exactly how much I had in there and I was sensible enough to create several wallets to spread my BTC... Low and behold I log in and all my wallets are missing. All of them. To say that I almost cried is an understatement.

After 30 minutes of frantic searching online for a possible issue (such as a hack on the wallet where someone can alter the javascript on the Chrome app to get you to send your coins to an address other than the one created on the Ledger, read more about it here) I decided to reinstall the Chrome app.... I did this with cold sweats because I was concerned that would definitely make me unable to access my BTC.

Thankfully that fixed it and I was able to access my BTC again. But let this be a word of warning, cold storage wallets are only as safe as the user. Be alert, be aware, never be complacent, and keep looking for news of hacks. A lot of money is involved and many people out there are trying to get it.


Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience, it's that which helps us all learn this stuff faster. I'll definitely be keeping that all in mind. Glad you were able to recover all your BTC btw. We gotta stay vigilant. Have a good one, hope to see yah around.