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RE: Offline

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I a going to risk being the voice of dissent. BTC is simply an alternative store of people's money away from the banks who take risks without our consent and do not provide proportional returns. While I agree it does not represent an increase in any kind of contribution to the world, what it is doing is 'taking' control away from centralized vested interests. That is a massive job!! It is the global Robin Hood of Crypto!

I do think it will be taken over by better versions and will become obsolete eventually but for now it is taking on the remarkable role of destabilising the status quo that has led a great portion of the world to lose out since WWII.

Steem has its place too, and so do many other blockchain based projects. It is early days and we need to keep our eyes firm on the bigger picture, as adoption increases we can zoom into the details... But all this is just my opinion, many of you might disagree.


Something I just wipped up to illustrate my thoughts!
Bitcoin hood.png

That's kooool!!!!

Dissent is good, no problem lol. Yes, I'd agree that value in BTC is in its available liquidity and attention away from fiat systems.. I really like that it's based on objective proof-of-work, since that kind of measure isn't a choice for society before its inception.