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RE: Summary of the Phishing and Attempted Stealing Incident on Binance

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Good old rule confirmed again:
Your keys (private)- your money, no keys - not your money.


As a newb to crypto, the options for exchanges is limited due to new sign-up freezes.

Open Ledger doesn't have many assets to choose from; but, one good thing is each user has private keys, even though a simple user name is equivalent to the private key. I know all exchanges are subject to phishing risks; but, it's a bit reassuring to know the funds are a bit more secure than just setting on a public exchange.

It shall be interesting to see how the OL platform grows over time. They certainly seem to be putting a lot of work into getting it up and running competitively with the likes of Bittrex, etc.

Btw, that was a good catch by Binance.

Best regards!
