Cryptocurrencies Market Overview - July 21, 2017

The Bitcoin price has increased by $1100, from $1,830 to $2,930, within a 5-day period! A surge of 60% in just 5 days... Wow!

Segwit2X (BIP 91) has now locked in and will be activated next Sunday. Segwit2X will pave the way for full activation of SegWit on Bitcoin and a 2MB block size limit hard fork three months later.

And this all happened on MOON Day. Exactly 48 years ago today, Apollo II landed the first humans on the moon. One small BIP for Bitcoin. One giant leap for the Bitcoin price. Bitcoin to the moooon! :)

24 Hour Change

7 Day Change

Month-to-Date Change

Market Capitalization

Please feel free to use and share my images under the Creative Commons license.

Latest Crypto News - July 21, 2017

BIP 91 Has Locked In. Here’s What That Means (and What It Does Not)

Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 91 (BIP 91) just locked in. Up to 90 percent of all hash power signaled support for this soft fork, which implies miners intend, in turn, to trigger Segregated Witness (SegWit) activation. By extension, this should make BIP 148 obsolete and August 1 a non-event.
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BIP 91 Locks In: What This Means for Bitcoin and Why It's Not Scaled Yet

BIP 91 has officially locked in. At press time, bitcoin's miners, the network of computer operators that secure the blockchain, have now been signaling that they will upgrade the code for 269 blocks in the same signaling period, a move that takes the software one step closer to changing its structure to accommodate more transactions.
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Russia Prepares to Legalize ICOs

Russia is currently working on a regulatory framework to legalize Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), local publications reported on Wednesday. This is in addition to a bill that is being finalized to recognize cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ether.
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Ripple Reports Uptick in Investor XRP Interest as Sales Triple in Q2

A new report from distributed ledger startup Ripple suggests institutional investors are increasingly interested in its native cryptocurrency, XRP.
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ECB President: Cryptocurrency Price Boom Having Limited Effect on Economy

The president of the European Central Bank (ECB) has issued remarks addressing the rising interest in cryptocurrencies as an asset class.
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ICO Mania: $1.2 Billion Raised in 2017, $600 Million in the Last 30 Days

More than $1.2 billion in cryptocurrency was raised through ICOs in the first half of 2017, far outstripping venture capital investment in blockchain and Bitcoin firms. About $600 million was raised in last 30 days alone.
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Great update. Many thanks. Interesting days ahead before the HF in November.

Excellent report thank you. Following, upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks for the quick updates. Your formatting and image layout is truly easy to digest. What do you think will happen to the price after SegWit?
Do give me a follow as I'll be sharing content on crypto related content :)

Once SegWit is definitly activated I expect the Bitcoin price to rise further. Besides, SegWit will pave the way for new developments like the Lighting Network. Such developments will give the Bitcoin price yet again a boost :)

Segwit is already here with the recent 80% + uptake indicated by miners on the chain already.

It looks promising! Bitcoin will not stop before $5000!

Those charts are so inspiring. And helps everybody to better understand where we are at, and where we are heading to. I have fun reading this. Thanks.

I think such posts must bring a constant flow of new followers.


Hi Penguin Pablo - you are our number one Steemit Statistician and you are the feature of our News Report today. We hope you like.

Keep up the great work!

Thanks for the update! Good info.

This post received a 1.1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @penguinpablo! For more information, click here!

Thanks for share...

Nice post! Thanks for bringing us the good crypto news. Still don't feel that the rise in Bitcoin is justified but it is still a relief to see money flooding back into the market. They say a rising tide raises all boats so we will see if thats true!

You right...great news to read that btc is coming back...nice comment...but don't u trust its back for good?

Don't want to count those chickens before I'm sure they've hatched. Cautious when I see possibility of traps set by big players.

hmmm you dont mean it...truly may be a way to get people buying and they sell higher...lets hope steem bounces back too...
so when will you be sure its off the risk

Nah. I think the long term hold is always the best play. If you believe in Steem, buy it. If you don't think cryptos are going to be around 10 years from now don't buy them. I have a job so trading cryptos isn't my bread and butter. I've got some Steem and a few other coins and I think they will do great. For new investors they should watch the markets and find a good entry point for the tokens they believe in. a new investor...from your experience which tokens do you think one may try out..on his own accord...;)
Which area do you specialize in blogging..

Thanks for this important information.

thanks for keeping us updated on all the news what's going on,what a great job you're doing .

Great..thanks for share

I Respect that!

Très bon article qui est très bien fait. Merci Cordialement

To the moon!

Great update and a booster to those who belief in the market and does this mean altcoins like steemit will bounce back soon. I guess there is good hope after August 1st...
Let's pray for the best. Thanks for the update which as always earns a good upvote!

Good news now

Where else can a normal everyday person get a return like that ? Bank's NO ! , Stock's NO ! , Precious Metals NO ! .
Sure it is high risk, but what isn't in this day and age when it comes to investing your hard earned $ ?
If it isn't the .Gov ripping you off or the Bank's and high speed Trading bots on the Stock market, it's the insurance or legal frame work dreaming up way's to screw us all over in one form or another to wring every dollar they can out of us.
Crypto's are the New Frontier, where instead of it being every person/family for themselves at the mercy of the Banks, the Govt and the general commercial industrial complex ,
the Blockchain now provides an even playing field for all us.

I don't believe we ever landed on the moon but I'm excited for moon day, bitcoin moon, litecoin KABOOM! BTC dominance to go over 50%, ethereum crash!

Thanks for all this interesting information.

Great analytics, gives you a much less distorted overview of the over all performance!

bitcoin is the boss

Dear @penguinpablo
I have got lots of information thanks for sharing

Wow...bitcoin just recovered. Thank you for the detailed analysis with numbers and charts. How far bitcoin will rise is the big question.

Always enjoy this report, thanks!

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Amazing Post! Explained everything nicely. Upvoted!

I remember the day they landed on the Moon. It was an epic undertaking and full of high risks for the astronauts. No matter what the history revisionists say. It was an uplifting moment for humanity.
People began to look to the earth and focus on the gross inequalities.
Cryptocurrencies are a part of that legacy. Great post @penguinpablo

I remember that landing (Mooning?) day quite well to. Lots of things happened since then..

This is crazy, I love bitcoin.

Fantastic work with the update! The graphs were really helpful! I'm quite excited to see where the market goes after 1 Aug.