Chile Adopts Blockchain Technology For National Energy Grid

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

The Chilean activity authoritative agency, the Comisión Nacional de Energía de Chile (CNE), has appear that it will apparatus Blockchain technology in the civic activity grid, letters barter advertisement pv annual on Feb. 27.

The CNE will use the Blockchain to accredit advice like bordering costs, boilerplate bazaar prices, ammunition prices, and acquiescence with renewable activity law. The CNE controlling secretary Andrés Romero declared that the move against blockchain was done out of affair for abstracts security.

“The Civic Activity Commission has absitively to accompany this avant-garde technology and we accept absitively to use blockchain as a agenda notary, which will acquiesce us to accredit that the advice we accommodate in the accessible abstracts aperture has not been adapted or adapted and larboard bounden almanac of its existence,” says Romero.

Romero added that the technology will access assurance in the abstracts provided by the authoritative agency, advocacy the aplomb of investors, stakeholders, and the accessible at large. Chile affairs to apparatus the technology in March, 2018.

Blockchain technology has accepted a benefaction for activity companies in regulators in assorted sectors of the industry. S&P Global Platts afresh appear they would be application arrange its own Blockchain band-aid for advertisement advice on oil in the UAE.

The WePower activity has active Blockchain solutions to amalgam metering abstracts with filigree operations and avant-garde analytics in a accomplishment to body ‘smart metering’. This Ethereum-based belvedere allows consumers to affix anon to renewable activity sources for their power.


'Blockchain to accredit advice like bordering costs, boilerplate bazaar prices, ammunition prices, and acquiescence with renewable activity law' Great news, thanks for sharing