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RE: The Fundamental Underpinning of Blockchain Consensus

in #cryptocurrency4 years ago (edited)

Excellent question, and as another significant stakeholder (not as large as BT though), I'll give you my answer. I haven't felt very secure about the value of my stake for some time, even less so after the sale of Steemit, but this code change gives me at least some reason for cautious optimism. We'll see how it plays out.

The Steemit ninja-mined stake has always been a special case since day one (and one particularly terribly handled up to this point). No other stakeholder need infer any concern about their stake in my opinion (except perhaps, the significant risk that already existed of it continuing to become worthless due to mismanagement and exploitation by Steemit, and stupidity and complacency by everyone else for letting it happen), but that is just one person's view.


Thanks. Obviously no need to answer below :)

Over the course of the three years I have been here, both you and BT have been voices of reason, which is why I am glad I caught you both on this topic, and your answers align.