Cryptocurrency Honest Review..!!

Most people have no idea what Cryptocurrency is all about or how it works.
This tells me one thing. It’s just the beginning and I truly believe 2018 is going to be an incredible year in cryptocurrencies. The biggest gains are still to come, because this idea is at a “tipping point”... it’s just starting to go mainstream.

In short a lot of people are making money with it that have never made money online before.
Truthfully I started to really understand all of it about few months back.
Affiliate marketing is what puts dinner on the table but I will say one thing!!
Cryptocurrency certainly has my attention and I am very intrigued by all of it.

Cryptocurency – Hard To Setup?
Just a few days ago I knew basically NOTHING about cryptocurrency or bitcoin. A good friend who I know is making a lot of money with bitcoin started posting about Bitcoin on FB.
Just because I trust this person I was willing to give it a hard look. For me it’s just a good learning experience.

Whether I decide to invest or not I’m always willing to learn about something new.
After going through the information it all started to make sense..

Cryptocurrency – How To Buy?
I would personally recommend the Cryptocurrency exchange “Koinex”. - Use this link to register and get Rs.50 free in your account!

There are few international exchage platforms like Poloniex, Cex etc. in order to trade you need to send bitcoin to their exchanges and then buy some altcoins, make profit in altcoins and convert them back to bitcoins and then sell them back to an Indian exchange for cash i.e. a lot of transactions involved and each has its fee, thereby losing the profits earned.

However, with Koinex we deal directly into INR, for example you can buy/sell Bitcoin for the current rate and that too in Indian Rupees, so no conversions and hence profits maintained.
So, I feel it's an amazing thing for India.
Just go to sign up tab, on top right, enter your email, phone number, verify your email address by clicking on and enter kyc details. There is a video series on their landing page; you can go through them for your reference!
Buy, Sell and Trade Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and other cryptocurrencies at best price in India.

Cryptocurrency – Taking Power Away
You can read about it, hear about it, see screen shots about it but until you actually go in and start setting stuff up it’s going to be hard to grasp.
But when I actually did it I was like, oh man that was pretty easy and makes a lot of sense now.

What I want you to understand is Bitcoin was just the beginning. There are now hundreds maybe even over 1000 digital currencies today.
The whole idea about cryptocurrency is to take power and control away from the banks and financial institutions…and put it in the hands of you and me.
You DON’T need to understand Bitcoin or how to make money from them. That’s important to remember.

Cryptocurrency – Is It A Scam?
If you think people like Bill Gates, Amazon and Home Depot are scammers then you’ll have to decide for yourself.
Cryptocurrency is NOT a scam. I’m sure there are some scams out there so always buyer beware.
Today, famous billionaires like Richard Branson and PayPal Founder Peter Thiel are putting their money into bitcoin.
Big companies like Dish, Apple, Target, Victoria’s Secret, Whole Foods, Home Depot…CVS, Sears and Amazon actually accept bitcoin as payment just as they would Visa, PayPal, or MasterCard.
It’s become more mainstream but to most people it’s a bit strange.

Bottom Line
Investing is always at your own risk. I am not a financial advisor. Do not invest your cat, kids or house on this without doing research. I am comfortable with making calculated investments with the money that I am not afraid to lose.

Thanks for reading my Crypto Currency Review.