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RE: Korean Business Adopts Bitcoin Cash & Drop Bitcoin Core (BTC)

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

You're just another useful idiot that has nothing to say beyond Ver talking points and your own muddled thinking.

"Spiritual" -- get out of here with that bullshit, man you're really that pathetic that you think this whole scam is something noble?

Moral right, lol -- once the dust settles and BCash is relegated to the dustbin of history, all of you simpletons need to get together and form your own nation state of ethically lapsed mental defectives.

Just so we can keep an eye on all of you - not that there are many.

As for pleasantries, how about a downvote? You worked hard for it.


It's not a scam to try to keep Bitcoin functioning as described by Satoshi.

You don't have to say when you downvote me, you do it more or less all the time. I one the other hand only downvote you when you use insults - the difference between civilized discourse and thuggery.

Of course, since few of your posts are free from insults, in effect this means I downvote almost all of your comments too. :-)

Pseudo-intellectualism isn't your strength.

Here, have a downvote, since you obviously can't help yourself.

Are you saying that Bitcoin functioning as Satoshi intended is a scam? That Satoshi is a scam artist?

Still babbling to yourself?

Here, I'll sort you out -- have another downvote!

A Cashie got TRIGGERED and downvoted, lololol here it is again:

Here, I'll sort you out -- have another downvote!

Satoshi = Scam artist according to Talltim. Got it.

if(babbling.simpleton == TRUE){ downvote++; }

LOL, Cashies hate it when I tell the truth -- here's the comment again:

if(babbling.simpleton == TRUE){ downvote++; }