HEROcoin - the first Austrian ICO is here! FREE TOKEN for everyone!


When using the name @theaustrianguy I think it is my duty, to report about the first ICO regulated by Austrian law - the HEROcoin ICO!

It's a coin designed to change the world of online betting and giving the profit back to those who it belongs to.

Since the ICO has a well designed homepage (https://www.herocoin.io) I don't want to go into too much detail. However I will let you know why I think the project might have a really bright future:

1. HEROcoin unites the power of blockchain and eSports! 

Not much to say at this point, everybody knows that both of those sectors are only at the beginning and will massively grow in the next years. Just remember that it even seems realistic that eSports will make it to the Olympic games in the future (In the Asian Games 2022, eSports will be a discipline!). So we don't need to argue about the bright future of eSports. And I definetly shouldn't need to explain the power of blockchain to a user of this wonderful platform.

2. The company behind HEROcoin already has a existing & running product!

Their product, https://www.herosphere.gg, already offers a lot of futures and is being used by over 223,000 people so far. This will be a huge advantage compared to others - the network-effect is always important.

3. HEROcoin offers value for its users and holders!

When holding HEROcoin you don't just have to hope for it to skyrocket in order to earn. You will also earn more coins just by holding them - just like it is the case with the more famous coins NEO and TenX for example.

4. Transparency!

On their homepage, the team is shown, as well as a well looking roadmap. There are also famous Austrian investors involved already. I just like transparency, so this point also is really important in my eyes. I don't think this will be a scam.

If those things sound good to you, check out their homepage (https://www.herocoin.io) and you can go into way more detail there! Let me know what you think!

If you want to take part in there ICO - it is running from 14th September, 14:00 UTC until 14th October, 14:00 UTC and hardcapped at 48,000 ETH.

If you want to help me out and honor this post, please invest via my affiliate link ( https://www.herocoin.io?affiliate=%242y%2410%24lFc7Urzr5C4Z3zsjFGkZ6uYtkdDbkTIAsd41yJBt.5jHEX6Ejhdbm )!

In case you want some token but don't want to invest money, grab some free token by using this link: https://www.herocoin.io/bounties

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion, I´m not advising you to invest into HERO nor do I take any responsibility for your investments.


Als @theaustrianguy sehe ich es als meine Pflicht an, von der ersten ICO nach österreichischem Recht zu berichten - der HEROcoin ICO! 

Die Macher haben es sich als Ziel gesetzt, den online Wettmarkt zu revolutionieren und das Geld an die Leute zu verteilen, die es eigentlich verdienen.

Da es eine sehr gut strukturierte Homepage (https://www.herocoin.io) gibt, werde ich an dieser Stelle nicht zu sehr ins Detail gehen. Ich werde aber natürlich erläutern, warum ich dem Projekt großes Potential zutraue.

1. HEROcoin vereint das Potential von eSports und der Blockchain-Technologie!

Hierzu muss man eigentlich nicht allzuviel sagen, jedem hier wird klar sein, dass beide Sektoren noch in den Kinderschuhen stecken und sicherlich noch massiv wachsen werden. Man bedenke zum Beispiel, dass sogar eine Olympiaaufnahme für eSports diskutiert wird - bei den Asienspielen 2022 wird es eine solche Disziplin sogar schon fix geben. Und auch die Blockchain-Technologie wird mit Sicherheit noch weiter wachsen - aber darüber sollten sich auf dieser schönen Plattform sowieso alle einig sein. 

2. Es gibt bereits ein existierendes Produkt!

Während viele andere ICOs nur Zukunftsmusik sind, hat dieses Projekt mit  https://www.herosphere.gg, bereits ein funktionierendes und von über 220.000 Leuten genutztes Produkt. Im Kampf gegen Mitstreiter könnte ein Network-Effekt den entscheidenden Vorteil bringen.

3. HEROcoin bietet sowohl für Nutzer als auch für Investoren einen Nutzen!

Während man HEROcoins hält, bekommt man regelmäßig einen Anteil an den Rewards. Man macht also nicht nur dann Gewinn, wenn der Coin stark steigt. 

4. Transparenz!

Auf der Homepage findet man genaue Angaben zu den Mitgliedern des Teams. Außerdem gibt es eine klare Roadmap und einige bekannte österreichische Investoren sind auch involviert. Solche Dinge sind mir wichtig. Außerdem machen sie einen Betrug eher unwahrscheinlich.

Falls euch das obige gefällt bzw. euer Interesse geweckt hat, auf der Homepage (https://www.herocoin.io) findet ihr viele weitere Informationen in die ihr euch einlesen könnt. Ich bin auf eure Meinungen gespannt!

Wenn ihr bei der ICO mitmachen wollt - diese läuft vom 14. September, 14:00 UTC bis zum 14. Oktober, 14:00 UTC und ist auf 48.000 ETH begrenzt.

Wenn ihr mir helfen wollt, bitte über meinen Affiliate-Link ( https://www.herocoin.io?affiliate=%242y%2410%24lFc7Urzr5C4Z3zsjFGkZ6uYtkdDbkTIAsd41yJBt.5jHEX6Ejhdbm ) investieren!

Wenn ihr Coins wollt, aber kein ETH investieren wollt, dann sichert euch auf dieser Seite ein paar gratis Coins: https://www.herocoin.io/bounties.

Disclaimer: Das Geschriebene stellt meine persönliche Meinung dar. Ich übernehme keine Verantwortung für deine Investitionen noch rate ich dir dazu, in HERO zu investieren.


Among the many ICO's these guys have the advantage of this is a working product

That is definetly a big plus for them ;)

Der erste österreichische coin - das ist ja interessant!

Ich bin auf diesem Gebiet (noch) nicht sehr bewandert, werde aber mal meinen Sohn darauf aufmerksam machen :)

Uniting Blockchain and Esport is a Great Idea. Cybersport industry grows every day and has an enormous potential. The prize amount increase annually and attracts more and more companies to become sponsors of major and local tournaments. This industry had to have its own ICO project eventually

I feel and think the same way - There will eventually one company who takes the lead in this area. I don't no if it will be HERO - it looks promising however!

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Auf deren Bountyseite kannst du diverse Aufgaben erledigen (z.B. auf facebook liken) und du bekommst dafür coins ;)

Upvoted and RESTEEMED!

holly shit
this is pretty new
love your post buddy and the content is too good
please keep posting

nice post

Sounds like a great idea, I like their logo too! Great write up!

Thank you :) Did you read through the details on there homepage?

Thanks for letting us know!
I will check it out!

Anyone else just see HeroIn? Lol

What do you mean? :)

The human mind makes sense of strange things. HEROcoIN. lol

klingt interessant, werde mich damit auseinandersetzen, vor allem reizvoll mit dem jahr 2022, danke für den post , lg

Sehr gerne :) Hast du es dir schon angesehen?

Danke für die Infos. - Hört sich spannend an, behalte ich auf dem Schirm :]

Gerne :) Würde mich interessieren ob dich zum Invest entschließt :)

Bin noch nicht entschlossen. Hero ICO Bounties hören sich erstmal gut an. :)

Hi, klingt nach einem Projekt mit Potenzial! Wenn ich nicht mein ETH für die ICON ICO brauchen würde, hätte ich hier sicherlich auch was rein geschmissen! Halt uns bitte auf dem Laufenden wie sich der Coin entwickelt

Werde ich machen :)

Welch ein Glück das der ICO nicht in China stattfindet.

The Developer expressly informs you that there is no right of withdrawal in relation to an Exchange Offer (as
defined herein) made by you, neither statutory nor contractual. Articles 9 to 15 of the Consumer Rights Directive
as implemented by § 11 of the Austrian federal law on distance and off-premises sales provide for the right of
a consumer to withdraw from a distance or off-premises contract. This Initial Token Offering, however, is excepted
from this right of withdrawal since it concerns the supply of goods (HEROs) for which the price is dependent
on fluctuations in the financial market which cannot be controlled by the Developer and which may
occur within the withdrawal period (Article 16 litera (b) of the Consumer Rights Directive; § 18 para (1) item 2
of the Austrian federal law on distance and off-premises sales).

Was sind deine Bedenken?

Thanks for sharing! I'm checking the bounty page :)

@theaustrianguy Thanks for your work sir.... Love it.

seems like an interesting ico, I will check it out in detail, thanks for sharing this info with us!

Let me know what you think after you have gone into further detail! :)

A weak man is just by accident. A strong but non-violent man is unjust by accident.

- Mahatma Gandhi

I will have to look into this one, seems interesting and always good to get in on a good coin early on!

Defintely good ;) Let me know what you think after you have gone through it!

Will do mate :)

How can we get the free tokens?

Just go to their bounty page ;)

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I suggest reading the whitepaper before making an investment : https://s3-cdn.herocoin.io/HERO_Whitepaper.pdf

Only 30% of the tokens will be available in the ICO, the other 70% will be retained by the company:

'The Developer explicitly reserves the right to exchange the
retained portion of 1.4 billion HERO for other virtual currencies or sell it for Euro or any
other fiat currency at a later point in time at any marketable price. '

Is this typical for an ICO?

Of course you should read the whitepaper first ;)

Concerning your points, the whitepaper says: "35% of the HERO supply will be used for future development such as development of the HERO Network and an incentive program for the current and future team subject to special holding condi-tions. Those will ensure a long-term incentive for the HERO founding team. Additionally, 8% will be allocated to a Third Party ecosystem fund to grow out the HERO network and bring additional providers to the network. A part of this fund will be used for brand awareness in the esports scene, where the Developer plans to host tournaments and sponsor teams. The Developer is setting aside 7% of all HERO created as a Company fund and betting reserve. It is possible that some of these Tokens will never be issued but it is necessary to have a backup if needed. In any way HERO will engage directly with its holders to seek their guidance before any of the reserved token will be brought into the market. At the end of the Initial Coin Offer, token creation will be closed permanently."

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Very interesting post thank you! I will definitely check it out.

Thx for sharing this. Very interesting

Winner of the #bellyrubchallenge! :))

This post has received a 0.43 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @kid4life.

Wow congrats! This is a huge step forward for you guys!

Upvoted and Resteemed.

@theaustrianguy Intriguing put up - many thanks . Have to be terrifying to own this issue..