OMNITUDE - A Revolution in e-Commerce


As far as volume and esteem worldwide e-commerce deals in 2016 were assessed to be worth $1.86 trillion, and are anticipated to develop to $4.48 trillion by 2021.

That is a huge business by any measure. This blasting on the web business is confronting some genuine difficulties.

• In reality, 45 percent of shippers and providers have lost more than $1 million in income because of difficulties confronted when incorporating cross-channel capacities into their business methodology, as indicated by 1WorldSync's as of late discharged examination, Charting Course for Global Commerce.
Online installment misrepresentation is set to keep the pace, as well as develop to a significantly more concerning issue for e-commerce shippers. Card, not present (CNP) represents 60% to 70% of all card misrepresentation in many created nations, as indicated by Juniper Research, and it's expanding. In 2016, for each $100 spent through e-commerce, fraudsters stole 5.65 pennies. Some portion of the issue is that clients must utilize either a moderate bank exchange or a Visa, systems that uncover client and dealer to the danger of 'phishing', 'harming' and 'man-in-the-middle' assaults. The abuse of chargeback rights, either well-disposed misrepresentation or chargeback extortion, are the strategies by which the larger part of misrepresentation misfortunes are surrendered.


• Supply chains are comprised of physical and budgetary supply chains. The previous comprise of the physical development of products from provider to client; the later keep running in the turn around bearing and comprise of money related streams from client to the provider.
Supply chain back is enormous business, with $2 trillion in financeable very secure payables all around, and general supply-chain viability is affected fundamentally by wasteful aspects on the monetary side. Specifically, the manual compromise between installment requests and solicitations is tedious, exorbitant, helpless against blunders, and subject to delays emerging from contrasts between clearing frameworks. Progressively, clients demand constant learning of the area of their bundles in the conveyance cycle.

• Customers should more often than not give insights about their identity and about their inclination data while executing on the web with a trader. For the most part, this data must be furnished each time they execute with another trader, despite the fact that a similar data is being given each time. Furthermore, every vendor must use exertion and acquire expenses to record this information and defend it legitimately. Purchasers depend vigorously on online client surveys for their purchasing choices, notwithstanding when these audits are composed of total outsiders. Proof proposes online client surveys are currently more essential than TV promotions, marked sites, print advertisements and media. Organizations are under expanding strain to demonstrate positive surveys.

At present, to gather online installments vendors must utilize an installment entryway and pay charges to the portal supplier. Generally, these charges are both month to month and per exchange


Omnitude is a spearheading venture to upset network between blockchain advancements and e-commerce stages and undertaking frameworks. The Omnitude stage will go about as middleware, empowering basic mix of blockchain innovation into existing frameworks and in doing as such, changing their abilities. The essential time of Omnitude will dispatch the Omnitude organize, this will engage arrange between different advancements and organizes and empower them to misuse blockchain development quickly and capable.


Amid the second stage, both the group and the Omnitude group will construct Omnitude applications to tackle particular utilize cases. There are now a few Omnitude Apps intended for dispatch that is point by point in the utilization cases area.

Omnitude Solutions

  • The Omnitude arrangement tends to all the significant types of misrepresentation by utilizing Blockchain innovation. In furnishing clients with a Single Identity on the blockchain, Omnitude will ease shippers from the need to keep and secure broad neighborhood databases containing delicate individual information about their clients. Such databases are in danger of being traded off by ‘hacking’. The danger of Chargeback Fraud is additionally limited by decreasing the utilization of Mastercards. Omnitude will likewise decrease Merchant Fraud. Omnitude will encourage the organized arrival of installments relying upon the phase of conveyance.
  • Omnitude’s Supply Chain game plan will allow particular things or shipments named with identifiers to be taken after as they move along the supply chain, for example from unrefined materials, to sections, to accumulated stock, to finished things, to definitive customer transport. While encountering the Supply Chain, at key focuses, a thing’s district will be recorded by set stock in ‘witnesses’ and made permanently to Omnitude's blockchain. Sagacious contracts running at each Omnitude center will track the thing’s progression, and release portions to shippers or suppliers as perspectives are come to, without the prerequisite for manual trade off, and paying little regard to what number of different social affairs are related with the supply chain.


  • Omnitude’s Single Identity will decrease exertion required by traders to build up client identity, and give a streamlined, speedier onboarding background for clients. Customers with an Omnitude Identity will enter their own identity and slant data once, each time they execute with a shipper, the customer will have the ability to submit from the Omnitude ClientApp, the identity and slant information authoritatively affirmed by the central merchant in order to complete the trade.
  • Omnitude’s Proof-of-Interaction will give the way to set up that a commentator has an evident history of collaboration with the shipper they are checking on. Each time a client with an Omnitude ID (‘OID’) executes with a vendor with an OID, a record will be encoded and written to the Omnitude blockchain by the shipper.
  • Omnitude’s Single Reputation will manufacture trust between dealers, clients and providers. With an OID, at whatever point a client and vendor execute, their infamy is real and known by the blockchain.
    Omnitude will give an option, digital currency based installment instrument that wipes out passage supplier expenses and replaces them with bring down blockchain exchange charges. Omnitude will permit ECOM installments between biological system members to be:
    •made and settled immediately through the Omnitude arrange
    •recorded on the Omnitude blockchain

Omnitude Eco System


ECOM Token

The underlying ECOM tokens issued will be utilized to finance the improvement of the Omnitude stage and biological community, boost members to work and secure this environment and make a typical settlement technique for individuals to take an interest in the Omnitude biological system.

Token sale

Ticker: ECOM
Tokens: 100,000,000 ECOM
Private pre-sale cost: $0.40 USD/ECOM
Private pre-sale cap: 10 million ECOM (4 million USD)
Token Sale cost: $0.46 USD/ECOM
Token Sale hard cap: 45 million ECOM (20.7 million USD)
Token sale $50k USD limit per person.

Token distribution




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Author details:
BCT Thread:;u=1086430
Telegram: @thilinanamal