It is another sale day today! Don't panic and sell your coins but keep them and buy some extra. See these days as the time between Christmas and new year every where is sale! I have 4 good buys for you!

  1. Antshares, antshares are the bitcoin from china. People will expect that the price will go around 300/400 in the long term. I bought them for 5$ a few days ago. They went to 10$ and now they are 7$ again so I bought a couple of hundreds from them today.

  2. Steem, everybody loves steem. They are so cheap right now that you have to buy them before it is to late.

  3. LBRY credits, the last few days the only coin I heard a bout is LBC. The price was to high to buy them at that time, but know the price went down again so perfect to buy just like steem.

  4. GNT, I used a technical analyse for GNT and the only thing I could find out of that technical analysis is that it will go to the moon in the next couple of days. So buy them before it is to late!