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RE: Thoughts on Cryptocurrencies Tribalism and Worship

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

ok apologies, im gonna go a bit off base cuz im working out something in my head to do with resources. take it for what you will.

tribalism is a funny thing. yes, its great to belong to a group. support and defense. but that always comes with a cost. usually rules, expectations of loyalty, worship my way, fear of losing face, jockeying for position.

the problem with tribalism is that it tends to separate, make enemies, especially if people are fighting over resources.

if that resource is peoples opinion or trust, and opinion becomes votes, delegation and support, then peoples support of your leadership may be a commodity you might need to fight over with declining membership and capital.

drama is imho an ancient device, a psychological aid and gladiator throwback, used by puppet masters and leaders to control the story and how it gets written.

what were the (gladiator) games for? socialization, distraction, an outlet for frustration. they were used to appease the peoples thirst for violence so they wouldn't question the rules, used to divert attention from the ethics of what was happening.

in steemit-discordland, we need to be mindful: why is a particular drama occurring. who and what is behind it? is the concern legitimate? is it being controlled by players?

some drama occurs as a difference of opinion, or rhetoric - a chance to sway opinion. yet, the people who win the argument or the debate often get to write history. think about it.

petty drama that squirrels its way in - the pretense that guyZ is a shyster, scammer, liar, etc - it may be valid. but one persons duplicitous fibbing may be the other guys good business decision. who gets to call that? popular opinion.

drama may be hiding the fact that guyX doesnt like the competition or attention guyZ is getting. in the end it may be more about petty politics, money and image rather than the ethical highroad they might have you believe.

imho, we are a still a small community. the people that are hanging, the core group, we all need to get along. the last thing any leader should do is try to divide opinion with one sided bias, past grievances, or questions of trust. yes it may take longer to reach consensus. but it may prevent the cold war.


not off base at all torico!!!!

comment of the week, right here

blush ty