Burst Coin

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Recently found out about burst coin thanks to fellow steemit user @craig-grant (thank you sooooo much!) and have been mining and buying as much as possible ever since. Its truly crypto at its finest. Just the way its mined is enough to make it a winner in my books. Its so nice to be able to use my computer for gaming or Netflix ect ect all while at the same time mining burst. Plus the power usage is sooo low! No more screaming fans and burned out graphics cards for me. Then you have the asset exchange. Iv been buying up as much BTCdragon as I can and the dividends are just as good as mining the coin. the whole thing is just brilliant and I can see burst easily becoming a MAJOR player in the next little while. Buy now and !!!!HOLD!!!!! or regret it when burst BURSTS! Now if you will excuse me my BTC deposit just cleared and I'm off to buy some more.
