Blog #10: Storj Share Update, Games, & School

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Whats up Steemians!

It's been a week since I lasted posted, definitely long overdue, here are a few things that has been happening while I've been away.

First on the list is Storj Share!

I've been actively farming on the Storj Share network, if you guys don't know exactly what I'm talking about please click this link to find out more.

I've been running their software for over two weeks now, at the end of every month the Storj development team calculates all the data shared on the network. How they do this I don't exactly know, however the December payout sheet is currently being worked on and I'll know exactly whether or not my resources and time were worth the effort here by the end of the week. In short this may or may not be the opportunity for you guys to join the network, I guess we'll just have to wait and see! Regardless I'm a little excited to see what kind of revenue this could potentially bring in and speaking of revenue lets talk about that more.

Storj has a payout guideline: 1TB shared (~730000GBh) = $1.5

It looks something like that, now if I'm not crazy and I'm reading this correctly I'm seeing that the minimum you need to share in order to make $1.5 USD is 1TB, they payout in USD after converting their currency. This doesn't seem like a great deal right? They payout based on the GB hours, theoretically you could share 50 GB for the whole month which equates to 36,500 GB hours. As you can see though this doesn't even come near to the 730,000 needed for the $1.5 payout. At this point I'm a little skeptical, not because I don't trust the network I'm farming on, I just don't see how fees-able the software is and whether massive use of their service is something that will happen in the future. Which is something I wont know unless I stick this out for the long haul.

So far I've shared a total of 56 GB hours over the course of 400 hours. That's 22,400 GB hours, Storj also pays its farmers for the bandwidth used to download off of nodes. I don't know exactly how they calculate the payment for that. And as of now, I don't have any way of tracking how many downloads are happening on my nodes. I'll try and get you guys more information on that as soon as I can. Other than that here is a small little screenshot of my nodes performance. This is what is shown through their GUI when you're running nodes on your hardware. A node consumes anywhere between 2-4 gigs of memory and is locked to 1 core per node.

In other news I haven't been playing a lot of games as of late. I am getting a little into Battlerite, some of you may have seen @acidyo post Battlerite content. It's a pretty fun game, I really like the hero/champion Thorn, haven't figured out what the right terminology for the game is yet.

Thinking about doing some uploads for you guys of my matches, they're pretty short and might work well here. Also on the flip side I've been also thinking of starting a new series called the "Survivalist" where I enter various sandbox worlds where the main feature of the game is to survive. Still thinking about how that will go, hopefully I'll have something soon to show.

Other than that it's been pretty bare bones I'm afraid. I was playing Daggerfal, but I got frustrated with it for a few reasons, one I couldn't managed to get myself out of the damned dungeon I fell in. That quite honestly was just a discombobulated rant fest of my great disdain for the new Star Wars film. After recording I spent another hour trying to figure out how to get out of the damn place whilst banging my head on my desk because it was so damn confusing. Gave up, came back an hour later, loaded up another save prior to entering the crypt. Walked for several minutes trying to look around to see if I was at the wrong place. Didn't succeed there and I haven't played since. I'll think about starting it up again here though in the near future, for now, screw that shit...

The last bit I want to share here, I'm starting classes again on the 9th! Yeeha, super excited for that my sarcasm meter just broke.

Yeah not much to say here, just thought I would let you guys know, maybe some interesting stories will come out of that and I can share it here. That's it for now, until next time I'll see you guys soon.

Stay tuned for more.