Russian Hotels to Accept Bitcoin as a Payment Mode During FIFA World Cup 2018

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

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Bitcoin is the future of payments. However, scalability is the real issues here. The necessity for Lightning network will be the future solution. A lot of bad news is being brought up everyday and this article helps ease our pains we are feeling about now on Crypto. Great post @yasiragar

Wow, thats good news for us cryptonians!
Somehow, it will help spread the use of btc 😉

Bitcoin is now being the part of fifa. As Russia is accepting. It is a positive impact. Due to fifa it will be advertised and will go again high.

The world have more 1500 criptocoin... dont forget that

I agree, but even with the off chain scaling like lightening, i'd still rather not spend my BTC on small purchases. BTC is too valueble for that. Also not only see it as a type of Currency peg, but also a type
of levaraging vehicle.

I agree with you, @hiroyamagishi. Great positive post during a time of nervousness, @yasiragar :)

You are right. But I hope LN will be able to be implemented soon. You know twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Litecoin founder is working on Lightening Network. I believe that Bitcoin and crypptocurrency will disrupt the conventional financial system.

Its good and right effort at the right time.. In this way cryptocurrency will be familiar to the people.

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This is really a good news if they start accepting cryptocurrency then they will start encouraging miners

Really amazing news. Thanks a lot for the update my friend.

Hi wow thanks a lot for your upvotes. I really appreciate that. Thanks.

Today I'm wearing black in mourning because I have the blues from bitcoin being in the red from not enough green #icominter

good news hope it effect on btc and it will rise

We're making progress. First the KFC Bitcoin Bucket, now this

This is really good and It can definately bringing Crypto into the lime light, and not just bitcoin, but other great projects that are trying to be crypto currencies

Wow dude nice one plz upvote me back

I think that this is potentially enormous news! FIFA is an utterly huge organization and soccer/football is a global favorite that draws enormous crowds, media coverage, and advertisements. Even if many don't wind up using Bitcoin as payment during the World Cup...the promotion for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency will be mind-blowing. The exposure that this will most likely give Bitcoin might start convincing everyone that crypto will be the way to go in the years to come. Great post and information. -Respect

"We" do...but there still is an enormous population that doesn't own any crypto, doesn't know too much about it, or have never even heard about it! -Respect

nice finally some positive news for crypto this week :)

cool I follow keep me posted :)

Steemit credit needs to be spent at the world cup too.

this is great news for all consumers of digital currencies. I guess governments have to support this initiative and help broaden the scope of cryptos

Very informative, thanks for sharing. I've smashed the upvote button for you!

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Yes bitcoin is the future mode of payment.It is positive impact the RUSSIA accept the bitcoin as exchange of currency.It is great to prompt bitcoin..

onlar statta maç izlerken bira içiyorlar, biz birhanede maç izlemek için bira içiyoruz

I read it well. Thank you for the good information. It is weak but I vote.

A very smart decision, as for me. Will see how it goes though.

let's go to Russia!

It is truly a good news thank you @yasiragar for sharing.

Why not? It is encouraging to hear people are being open-minded about Bitcoin despite the volatility. Looking forward to the masses accepting Crypto. Probably the more well-informed people become about Crypto the lesser the pushbacks.

Wao, this is really a good news.

Congratulations @yasiragar!
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Let's hope it takes bitcoin back up then!! Hodling !!!!!! Lol

Wow!!! Looks colourful pic