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RE: A Flat Earther's Rough Guide To Winning A Nobel Prize - Tackling The Sun Problem

And how do you think they arrived at the 93,000,000 mile number?
How many times did they change that?

Anyway, the distance to the sun is measured by trigonometry in both cases. If you assume the earth is curved between the two points of measurement you get one set of numbers. If you assume the earth is flat between the two points of measurement, you get a different set of numbers.

The thing that is really going to frost most people's cookies is that real scientists have known that the sun is a metal sphere and not a ball of super hot gases.

Modern scientists will also be horrified when it is finally realized that photons do not exist. But hey, they believed that crap from M-M about the aether not existing, so of course in for a penny, in for a pound.


It is for statements like this, that you were once called Builder of Castles, Destroyer of Reason.
