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RE: Healing The Healthy - A Very Ethical Problem

in #cryptogee-musings6 years ago (edited)

I mean if we think about it deeply, we are already there... Not in the technology, but in terms of how we live now. And let me assure you I am as guilty as anyone! For example, when we are thirsty we can go to the tap and get some nice water to drink. Yet that isn't enough, we usually (at least here in the US) buy even "better" bottled water at the store.... all the while 5000 children die every day for lack of clean water...yet we barely bat an eye--myself included!!! I do not have any answers mind you, I am just pointing the finger at myself and asking why.
I really enjoyed thinking from your post.


Yes that particular statistic is just awful, this is why I hate to hear sports stars 'thank god' for helping them win a meaningless sporting event, it's like sure; he helped you win a football game instead of saving a dying child...

In particular the medical divide is getting bigger and bigger, the fact is, it is still possible to contract leprosy in India! This is simply due to the fact that they do not have freely available antibiotics. Again, when I hear people in the west complaining about 'Big Pharma' it really makes me sick. I think to myself; 'yeah, go and live in Delhi for a year and then tell me you don't want to be vaccinated or have any evil antibiotics in you!'

However I think this is different, as I alluded to above, we are moving to a place whereby we will have the enhanced and the unenhanced, and the enhanced will outlive their poorer counterparts...


YES! Exactly right!

Yes I agree and see the difference. Sorry to have ranted or sidetracked. Its just a thing I am passionate about and disturbed about. I dont have the answer, yet again maybe we do. Maybe part of the answer is to be found in cryptos? I dont know...