
Sean, a bit off-topic but...

I don't think I've missed one of your videos in about two years now.

What I like about you, is that you keep an open mind, even when your viewers disagree in the comments.

Regarding the recent Qanon stuff and a lot more of the current "distractions", I strongly urge you to watch the following video to get a broader perspective of the Powers that Be 'mark of the beast' plan which is more what we should be all looking at; it is the CONTROL GRID (5G, the Internet of Things, Smart technology).

As we are all distracted by Qanon and these other things, the author of this video acutely points out that this system continues to be put in place. Must watch my friend. Would love to hear your afterthoughts.

How We Are Controoled and Why Most People Can't See It.


1000 people will thrash at the branches of evil for every 1 person that hacks the root.

The problem is not the fraud that exists in the monetary and financial systems, but the fact that money is a man made concept / construct. If the idea of value is centralized into a currency or a base metal that means that there exists a lever to control all who transact.

The love of money is the root of all evil, If people would just step back and ask what money is..... Humanity could move past the control and conquer mentality and move forward.

Insightful comment. You got my attention, now I'm following you to see what other insights you may have.

Thanks. I am following you also now.

Keep working, stop paying.

I am working on finding a way to live without having to be part of this credit / debt / slavery thing we currently have going on

Callinex has three interlocking triangles as its emblem ⁉️🤔 No one sees a problem ❓🧐 Ok then .