Day four of being unemployed

in #ctp4 years ago

Morning fellow CTP Talkers and Hivians,

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This is day four for me being home. Oh boy, up and out of bed at 4:45 AM, hope this is just an odd day. We got some snow over night, the last few days have been beautiful spring like days, temps in the plus 4 to 6 range. Well @ph1102 it is suppose to change to rain today with a high of 6, so that will be all right.

The wife has been keeping me busy. Today will be day 3 of me picking up "essentials" for our food supply. I have to say going out every morning, early in the morning, thankfully there are not very many people around and the ones that are, are practising social distancing. I am hoping she is done with it today. Although we are still low on cases in Newfoundland and only 1 case reported in my health region I still don't like going out.

I am keeping busy with some finish work on house renovations. Thankfully I have/had material sitting around that I need to use, get at, for awhile now. So I am keeping busy. Maybe too busy? lol. Seem to have let time for Hive, CTP and being online in general.

I am going to jump back to reporting on COVID-19 numbers today, I did take a break from it yesterday but before I do here is my Click Track Profit plug for the day. "Join me on Click Track Profit. The best, FREE, most helpful members in an Affiliate Marketing program ever!" My link is in my footer :)

As the Pandemic grows more everyday, I find it both amazing and not amazing at the same time. I have, for some reason, been following this since it broke out in China. Well I have been following it is early Jan. I just had a sense that this was not going to be good. And yesterday the world set another record for the number of new cases and deaths.

Newfoundland went from 32 news cases to 15 new cases but it is early days here and the trending graph could be 400 plus by 1st April. Does not sound like a lot but when the Provence only has half a million people..... We are leading or close to being number one in Canada per capita. Scarry.

So here are the numbers from yesterday:


Total: Infections: 531,810 New infections: 60,842 Total Deaths: 24,068 New Deaths: 2,792

The world broke 60K in new infections in one day. Scary is all I can say. And blew by the half a million mark for total infections.


Total Infections: 4,043 New infections: +634 Total deaths: 39 New deaths: +3

Seems low but when you do graphical comparisons to where Spain and Italy for example at the same time and were they are at now.......

Newfoundland: We are at a total of 82 cases with 15 new yesterday. No deaths and apparently everyone recovering from home so far. I hope beyond reason that we can keep it that way.

My whole life I have loved statistics but when it comes to COVID-19 I really am starting to not like them. In my humble opinion if the Governments in the Western world paid attention to Europe and just locked us all down earlier I feel it might have been a different story to unfold here. But then again what is known and told to us about the virus and what they don't know about could be different things.

All I know is there is nothing major I can do. Live my life, practice social distancing, wash my hands often. Stay healthy and try and keep my wife and mother in law safe.

End of Rant! :)


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Have a great day all.



I think this post is Awesome because you are in day 4 and managing to stay active - I will add the #2020vision tag to this comment because I believe it qualifies

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@thisisawesome Moderator

This is Awesome Content, and it will be manually curated with an upvote of 65% from @thisisawesome (will be done today), and it will also be included in our Awesome Daily Curation report in category Awesome 2020vision Curation for more visibility.

The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Hive ecosystem by rewarding it".


Stay safe and awesome Bradley, and at least now you have time to get your list running, building it and using it.

I can very much understand - as much as I love going outdoors I am also somewhat anxious at the same time :)

Hi friend, @bradleyarow

The situation is not very encouraging with respect to Conavirus worldwide. We hope that governments abide by the regulations in time and do not risk the health of their peoples any more.

A big hug

Well @ph1102 it is suppose to change to rain today with a high of 6, so that will be all right.

It's raining here since we got into the lockdown... Incredible! In some weird way, it's better like this, as I'm not feeling bad that I can't leave the house... lol..

Take care and stay safe!

Well I just spent 1.5 hours shoveling. Oh boy. Still coming down. Trying to upload a pic but keeps failing.

may use it tomorrow.