Do you need help?

in #ctp4 years ago

Morning everyone,


What an interesting night I had in Discord last night. I got inspired for this post. The questions!

"Do you need help on Steem? Are you not where you think you should be after X amount of time on Steem? Do you feel like you are struggling on Steem?"

Let me put in a disclaimer here, if any of the post ends up sound negative it is not meant to be. I am just going to be putting out suggestion.

First of all, if you are new or struggling on Steem I am going to suggest a training section on Click Track Profit, I am not suggesting this because I am a member there but because it is really really great training. There are two section I highly recommend that you do. Screen shots below.



Now when I first joined Steem this was one area that I totally ignored and that is Discord. It is a fantastic place to live chat with other members, get great advice and enter contests (at least get heads up on contests) to help you on your journey. Earn Steem and/or Steem Power.

Here is the link to join Steem Terminal Discord Channel ( if you are not already there.

Take the time to read the Welcome area and do an introduction of yourself in the introduction area. First place I would go after that is the General Chat. Have a read, see what people are talking about and say HI. You will be totally surprised about how helpful everyone is and how they want to help, point you in the right direction. One thing I have learned over the 6 months on Steem is that the community want to help YOU. That is what CTP Talk and Steem are all about, community and helping each other succeed.

Now comes what might seem like negativity from me but it is not, just plain truths. I will generalise. There are some great people out there really wanting to help YOU. There are contests about creating content (as, well, that is Steem). The main one I got into is called Red Fish Rally. There are some pretty simple rules. I joined my first one back in December called Red Fish Rally 100. I won it. I got delegated 100 SP and that really helped with my ability to give value back to the community in upvotes and how often I could post.

This being February I am currently in a contest called Red Fish Rally 500. A chance to win again.

I am also in a "Why I love Steem" Contest. For a chance to win 2000SP for 1 month.

And to tell the truth I feel like I am pretty slack on Steem. I am no pro, no whale, still fairly new, still finding my way and learning everyday. But if people are offering you the chance to better yourself and the chance to win free stuff to make your Steem account more usable why not.

So why did I feel the need to write about this? I see these wonderful contests then I see how many people are taking advantage of them. And I nearly S**T my pants. 5, 6 or 10 people. When I joined my first RR100 in December I figured I would be competing against hundreds of people. I think it should be hundreds of people.

So are you new to or struggling on Steem? Do YOU need help? Then use some of my advice but you also have to help yourself. Get out there, look for good contests that suit you. Show up everyday and pump out a blog post. Get on google if you have to and search about Steem. Read read read, learn learn learn.

Your success on Steem is not going to happen over night, and it will not happen if you do no put in the effort. Again there are many many people on Steem and CTP Talk that are willing to help you, want to help you. Start looking for it, start asking for it.

P.S. Bitcoin was broken the 10K barrier: $10,069.73 USD (2.85%)

Don't forget you can follow me on twitter: Join me on Twitter
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Click Track Profit

List Nerds

Traffic Leads 2 Income

Have a great day all.



What a good, inspiring post! Thanks for the shout-out for Steem Terminal! 🙌

Your welcome

nice work @bradleyarrow ... a great interaction of the benefits of two great communities on Steem

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@bradleyarrow you have received 5 SHADE from shadowspub!
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Really great advice Bradley, and amazing to see you take up the mantle and help others succeed on their Steem journey, stay awesome.

Thanks. As far as I am conserned that is what it is all about :)

You have come a long way, my friend... since meeting you in the @steemterminal, you have broken out of your "shell"... posted some videos on Appics, and now promoting both the @steemterminal, as well as the ClickTrackProfit community. Good to see you providing this positive content!!


Need help please, how do we check our Steem Power? Sorry I just joined recently not even a week ago and finding it a bit challenging to navigate things.

Great post, Bradley! You are a great example for others on how to develop a profile on STEEM!

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So true I cannot get my head around the fact that people don’t get into the game and earn the delegations around

It is amazing


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Already following :)

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Keep up the great work and join us in The Castle sometime!
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