Half a year and counting of passion

in #ctp4 years ago

Hello Everyone,


It is Monday again, and WOW, 26 strait weeks of blogging everyday. That is half a year. How did I manage that. I find it absolutely amazing. What you can do if you set your mind to something. But you know what, it was easy. Even if I just took five minutes to put out a blog post just to say hi. So here I am writing my first blog post for the second half of a year. It is still WOW.

And I have said it before and I am going to say it again. If I can do it, you can do it! Find your passion and get typing. I think I am pretty lucky in writing. As most mornings, like this morning, I roll out of bed at 6AM and grab my coffee. Open up my lap top, refresh about 20 tabs I have open, claim my CTP Tokens that I have earned. Claim and power up SP on Steem and scratch my head for 30 seconds wondering what to write. No plan. Then it is like, oh I guess I better make a new graphic. What back ground to use? What to put on it. Today was easy, the 26 week mark. Things like that make writing easy.

So I guess it is easy to see I found my Passion, it is CTP Talk and Steem and blog writing.

The Red Fish Rally helps to push me also. Very happy to be part of it for my second time.

Some interesting stuff going on in the markets.


The CTP Token continues it wonderful journey. Trading continues at a great rate and it is being adopted more and more at different merchant websites though firepay. Exciting times for this little gem.


Steem is having a nice rally. Price is slowly rising and volume is up up up. Headed for 2000 satoshi.

Bitcoin: $9,363.69 USD (-0.19%)

I think that is close to it for this morning. Keep at it people, keep blogging :)

Look down, lots of great stuff in my footer!

Don't forget you can follow me on twitter: Join me on Twitter
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Have a great day all.



Well done Bradley a nice achievement.

Half a year... is amazing!!! 😉👌 great job!

Posted using Partiko Android

Great accomplishment Bradley, congratulations, and nice tips about blogging, stay awesome.

Congratulations, my friend! That is a huge accomplishment. It's amazing what can happen when we get out of our own way. You are definitely setting the example for others to follow in consistency & getting better by the day. So glad to be friends & keep on crushing it in the 2nd half of the year! :)

Thank you. Don't think I could have done it without the encouragement of you and all the others here on CTp Talk and Steem.

You're so sweet. We all help each other empower ourselves! THAT is what makes it all worthwhile :)

indeed Well done!! Success