#Just1Thing - Business in Maintenance Mode as I Go Out and Play Chess!

in #ctp3 years ago (edited)


I didn't do a lot for my online business yesterday as I had arranged to go out and play chess in the afternoon and evening.

I spent the morning practising some chess variations of the Benoni Defence - part of an opening repertoire memory system that I have been developing.

If you're interested in memory systems or chess openings, here's an article I posted about ten of the chess variations in my memory system:


So the only thing I did for my online business were to approve some ads on my traffic and downline builder site, https://www.elitedownlinebuilder.com/index.php?r=Hirohurl&t=ctptalk2May21

Well, I also powered up some Hive tokens and made a couple of successful trades on Stormgain and earned myself several thousand satoshi on FreeBitcoin...

And that was all for the day as far as business is concerned, but I had a blast playing chess.

All week the weather forecast had given Saturday a 60% chance of rain, but the probability improved in our favour on the day. What I hadn't bargained for, however, was the wind! As you can see in the photo, above, we had to weigh down the board with our phones and chess clock boxes.

In the end the four of us retreated to a nearby cafe to drink beer and lemonade, and play indoors.

During the afternoon there were four of us, three guys and a girl who was a newcomer to our group, actually, one of my university students. She already knows how to play chess and we'd started playing chess in the college lunch break. In the photo she is getting some quality training for our chess expert, Chris.

Chris and I played two games. In the first one I was black and lost. The second one, which we played in the cafe, turned into a marathon battle. I opened with 1d4 as White as usual and Chris responded with the "modern" defence (1... g6). Happily, I was able to remember the opening set up from my memory system and got into a good position by castling on the queenside with my rooks in action on the h-file. We agreed it was the best quality game we've played so far.

Whereas for Chris it was just a routine game, for me - I was exhausted with the effort of concentrating all through and converting a good position into a win!

After Chris went home and my student went off to do her part time job, we were joined by an American couple and hung out with them for the rest of the evening and playing speed chess in another bar until late at night...

And so today is another day of not doing much for my online business, but just enough for #just1thing ...

As usualy, I have approved some ads on EliteDownlineBuilder.com and accumulated a few satoshi on FreeBitcoin.

Just now I sent an email out to 1000 members of Listnerds, so that is my "one thing" for today.


Now it's time for dinner, and after that an early night!

David Hurley
#InspiredFocus (??)