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RE: Making A Living Or Making A Life?

in #ctp4 years ago (edited)

I have asked myself a similar question a lot of times during my life... and it was something like:

Do I want to live to work or work to live?

My parents had a different idea about my migration to another country and they couldn't understand my logic... lol... When they were young, the idea was to go somewhere abroad to find a good job and work...

I had a different idea... To find a nice place for living and raising my child, and eventually, work will appear... Of course, I had my online work at the moment when I have made this huge decision, and that helped me a lot... I could pick a place where I want to live, as I wasn't connected to any physical location... That is a big advantage of working online and working for yourself...

In the end (I hope that it's not the end yet... :) ), I'm not a millionaire, but I live in a beautiful place, with a great climate, weather, solid education for my son, and my family is happy...

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Thank you for sharing your experience. That is exactly the point I was trying to make and you are a perfect example. By changing your mindset, you have chosen to work for yourself, live a life not controlled by other people, and receive all of the fruits of your labor (instead of giving most of the profit to someone else). Keep up the great work and thank you for being an inspiration to others...including me.