
So true indeed! Too many stuff beyond our control right now... sigh! always take care! :)

That's why it's imperative to work on ourselves as we go through the tougher times. Everything in our outer reality comes from within. We can be the change when we continue to do this. Many blessings & love. Take care, sister :) 😘

I will keep that in mind :) Glad I could somehow write some poetry to express what's bugging me. I guess it helps somehow. :) have a great weekend! :) take care!

That is great! Writing is a wonderful outlet, whether it's poetry or journaling. It can be super healing & empowering. Keep up the great work, girl. Thank you & have a wonderful weekend as well! 🙏🏻💗😘

Change and challenges. Good stuff!

Amen! We always need to keep life fresh by growing & evolving into better versions of ourselves. 🙌💛🧚

Happy hot Sunny Thursday. Always trying to change myself.

Growing and changing for the better makes life more fulfilling. It was a hot Thursday here as well. Have a lovely evening. 🙏🏻🦋💗