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RE: Good Morning & Happy Sunday

in #ctp3 years ago

What a beautiful story! I love that & yes, I agree...we are light workers in this world...and there are many of us, in different forms...

It is wonderful that someone else recognized you are one & I have to agree. I sensed that in you, in your energy. It's really amazing how we all have a unique way of bringing light to the world & they are all equally important....

I am blessed to know so many amazing people who fit this description & I know now more are waking up, discovering their truth & remembering who they are deep within. The more that do wake up & embrace this journey, the better our world will become & we need that right now. There has been a battle between light & dark. The good news is the light already won ;)

So glad to see you back in the fold, Sister. Sending you love, light & #pixiedust! 😊🤗❤️💚❤️💛💚💙💜


Thanks so much for the lovely response!
It is so great to be back in the fold with my Hive fam cause together, we are the light to keep the dark at bay.

Lightworkers UNITE!