My Baking Journey

in #ctp3 years ago

Hello all Hive Friends.

Hope you all are doing good.

I loved cooking ever since I was a school girl. Both of my parents were working so it was a great help to then and as I liked it too so it was a win win situation for everyone . We Indians spend a lot of time on cooking.

I would say that I am a decent cook but I never really tried baking until I moved to a new country out of India. To my surprise, baking is a totally different branch of cooking as compared to the normal Indian cooking.

Where normal cooking is done from heart, baking is more of a science, you need to know the exact measurements. I must say that I was terrible at baking in the beginning. I started with cake baking, my husband was my guinea pig. I dumped a lot of cakes in the bin but slowly I learnt from my mistakes. I got to know the right measurements and now I can bake a lot of things.








I can bake different type of cakes, breads, buns and have also tried cookies 🍪 recently.

Moral of the story is that we should keep on try and one day we will succeed.

Many thanks for reading and upvoting my post.This is also my entry 11 of 30 day content challenge. Hopefully I will be able to post everyday.


Here is the link for more details about this contest.



Wow this are all beautiful and so attractive to the eyes, I love it, it good to learn we should never be tried of mistake.

until we are perfect, because alot of people have failed because they don't raise or learn from there mistake, all they do is that they allow people to take away there best.

Some if they failed first and second time they will give up and we don't need to give up until we achieve our aim.

See you now you are now baking This lovely and wonderful cake, no nobody is born with anything they all try and make it.

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Thanks so much for all the appreciation and your kind words 😊👍🏻

Nice one keep it up.

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This are fine, they all came out nicely baked. Keep practicing, you will get us to it and become perfect.

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