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RE: Why Getting Leads Are Better Than Sales

in #ctp4 years ago

And to this end, many influencers and marketers will jump straight in with the ‘hard sell’. That means that they’ll heavily push all the positives of their product and try to get the visitor to click ‘buy’ as soon as they get to the site. This doesn’t tend to work in most cases. Although you probably want to make your sales process as simple and automated as possible, it’s absolutely essential that you don’t try and go straight in for the sale right off the bat. Instead, it is far more effective is to try to capture leads first. Lets' talk about why...

I was caught in the web of selling a product sometime ago without capturing the trust of my clients and it was way into a loss. In fact, I thought business wasn't for me until I learnt my lessons and restarted.


That's what happens! It's all a learning lesson. All we have to do is learn from those mistakes and build on them. I am writing these articles to myself as well, haha. I have failed miserably in the past and that is really what ebusinesstips is all about. Giving value that I have learned over the years and building a business on that.