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RE: The Medical Minute

in #ctptalk2 years ago

This is the second time I am lead to this post via listnerds.

I remember having to deal with poison Ivy when I was a camp counselor, I was always very careful and stayed on the trails, but, there were some naughty counselors who did some naughty things in the woods and got some very naughty rashes.

I remember it and laugh now but remember having a real concern for them when poison was fresh.

In leaves of three, let it be...

Where in the world are you? I am in California.


I am in Tennessee. The area I am in is a valley so we have a lot of lush and thick foliage and poison ivy loves to hang out around here.
So, this is the second time you followed my post from #ListNerds, I guess that means it is working, lol

It sure is.

The more the merrier.