Building The Foundation

in #ctpxlast year (edited)

Out With The Old . . .

There come a time when you have to recognize the mistakes of the past, and prepare to make changes for the future.

Often, it is hard to write off the time, and money, you put into whatever it was. But without change, well . . . nothing changes!

When I came back to Thailand I realized that a project I started over a year ago just wasn't working as I had hoped. So I set out to correct it.

It started with this . . .


Yep, we demoed half the pens in the pig barn. We have to build at least one of the new ones before that last one goes away. It houses a sow that we have no place to move her too yet.

In With The New . . .

We ordered the supplies needed to start, and they were delivered Thai-style!


That's 300 cement blocks, loaded by hand and . . .


Unloaded the same way. I did help, but no photos to prove it. So you have to just take my word on that! Lol

The next truck was a little easier.



There was 4 guys with the trucks. They get paid about 350-450 baht ($12‐$15 USD) per day. They take pride in their job, and work harder than most of us would want to.

The Future. . .

When we finish, it will double the amount of pigs in the barn to 100, and offer a better solution than before to expand as needed.

Everyone makes mistakes. It's human nature. No one has ever been correct 100% of the time.

It's the ability to see these mistakes, and do what is needed, that is not always seen.

And as I said earlier, if you never make changes, nothing changes. Be the change you want to see. Take action today to start building your better tomorrow.

Best Regards

Richard Taylor

"The only limits you have are those you impose upon yourself. Remove the limits!"