
They don't want to show how bad it truly is. Not offering transparent insight because the damage might be higher than it was initially stated.
“The person behind this attack was [a] very sophisticated smart contract engineer with extensive knowledge and understanding of the leading DeFi protocols,” ...right...I've known about people burning their own houses and pretending to have health difficulties to get insurance money. In this perspective, I am not saying they did this purposely on themselves to get the advantages, this is mischievous short-term thinking if they did...but who knows?

Yeah I had a bad feeling the other week, that's why I got out with every last penny before it was too late. The issue is they used old pancake swap code without understanding it. I think the pancake swap guys are the sophisticated hackers, they left these things open and clone able to trap devs that didn't understand it fully. To use the pancake swap source you need to specifically request it form one of their devs and unlock some parts with their key. That could have been one of the issues. I personally have not heard a thing yet, but hadn't gone looking, that's why I posted here, to find out more. Thanks, no one else will say a word about it yet.

Your intuition then guided you perfectly!

Let's see if any news will bring this subject up again these days.

Yeah the cub website still does not work on any of my browsers, or even iPhone, so I know they are not simply blocking my ip. I don't know what was with the guy claiming it was up, since he could not provide proof. I think he is just deep in denial.

Might be so. Sooner or later things should come to the surface. Depends on who's going to scratch the situation. Sometimes, the mystery remains.

Who knows, maybe they are just doing an update. I know when I work on websites I can break it and it can stay down for a long time. Thanks!!

Um I just started investing in this less than a week ago. Please be a joke. :(

This guy says so too.
I would never joke, also they scammed me for 2K! I'm serious!!

Its working for me...?? not sure what's wrong at your end?

I have no idea, It's still down for me. It wasn't just me, other people are complaining about it too.

Screenshot 2021-04-11 at 2.47.20 PM.png

It either works for everyone or not. It used to work just fine, I don't know what to say? I don't care tho, I don't use it any more. I guess they blocked my ip. Good riddens, I don't trust them anyway! If I were you, I'd stay away form there. They ripped me off. Are u sure it's not just your cache, do a trade and prove it plz! (Note: It says new CUB. block 1 on your screenshot, that don't sound right?) Word on the street is out got hacked why the site that made a mock cub defi site that looked like a pre-schooler drew it lol! I dunno?


I harvested a few hours ago, and then swapped to BNB, and then reinvested, could see the BNB hit my wallet and it seems to work. Perhaps your IP is blocked? anyway thanks for letting me know, its always good to have an open mind about the possibilities.

Screenshot? transaction to look at on the block chain?? Unless I see proof, I don't believe it. We'll do you think investing in a place that suddenly blocks some of it's users is alright?? Something fishy going on here.

thank you for sharing important information, have a good trade

thank you very much for the post,have a great day and good mood