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RE: Why The West Needs A Better Story To Survive

in #culture5 months ago

The "story" has been deliberately undercut and now the Globalists, those mother WEFers are trying to destroy the story.

Everything we think of today as "our story" is a lie, made up, a fabrication. The truth has been burried.

Like, Trump is the most evil person on the planet, according to the wokesters.
How did we go from a civilized game of tennis between the Ds and the Rs, to now the Dumbocraps working to ensure that honest elections NEVER happen again. And so many of the Repulsivekins are just sitting there watching it happen.

A vast majority of congress critters are dual national Israelis. Why is this even an issue when discussing the current problem. It is a fact.

We first need the truth to come out. Then a story will emerge.
The only story that works, is a story that the group shares.
The media would like to say they make the story, but they are obviously failing.

Harumbi should know all of this, and should resign in disgrace.
Because, next he is going to tell us that we should all be proud to the cattle for an advanced race.