Why So Many Entrances are needed to the Soo Deok Sa temple.

in #culture7 years ago


Each temple has it’s specific appearance. In Soo Deok Sa temple, I saw it’s characteristics at the entrance. There were four entrances in Soo Deck Sa. I don’t know why so many entrances are needed in the Temple.

Anyway let me show you these entrances in order.

What I saw first was below.


It was so big, so I thought the pillars of the entrance not wooden.
4 pillars of this entrance were made with wood. It was wonder where they got such a big wood.
Front board was written in Korean.

It seemed that Many foreigners thought Korean language and Chinese language had same origin.

But Korean and Chinese are quiet different.
Korean alphabet was as same as English alphabet.
Korean language is a phonogram, but Chinese is an ideogram.

Second entrance was little bit smaller than the first.
But it’s pillar was made up of a stone.
It seemed that the second entrance was made earlier than the first.
The front board was written in Chinese letters.



There was written as this temple is the first Zen temple in Eastern country.
As I wrote before, this temple was new starting point of Zen training in Korea in 19 century.

Zen training in Korea was set up in 19 century, and it was totally different than before.
It was far beyond my English ability to describe Korean style Zen Training which was set up in 19 century by the great master mont of Gyeong Heo.

I hope to explain about in English sooner.

The Third entrance was the most unique in this temple. It was Geum Ghang Moon.



It means that Diamond strength gate.
Here meaning of Geum Ghang is the strong guard god protecting Buddhist world.
There were two Guem Ghang guard gods standing in each side of the entrance.



I heard that there were few temples having Guem Chang gate in Korea.

The last was 4 heaven king entrance.

I have posted on 4 heaven king entrance several times in Steemit.
4 Heaven King are the guard god who protect East, West, North and South.




Why there needed such a many gate to enter into the temple.
It took more than 15 minutes on foot to get through from the first to the last gate.

Let's get go to further into the temple deeper next time.


Amazing really I like this post. that why you have my vote & steem

Good job @sl

Amazing realy i like this post.

wow!! that is awesome! I need to add that place to my bucket list! haha!

What great work was done here!! I definitely see Shamanistic elements here.

wow!! that is awesome! I need to add that place to my bucket list! haha!

Amazing realy i like this post.

What great work was done here!! I definitely see Shamanistic elements here.

It's a dream of mine to visit a Buddhist temple. Maybe I'll get to go to this Zen temple one day!

Great artistry in the old zen construction! Thanks for sharing. You might enjoy reading my recent post that demonstrates some zen principles - maybe it will help you express more zen awareness in English?

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My witness application is here. Cheers!

thank you

you are welcome!

Good Job !

Good post

thank you for this post

Good Job !

hi, the entrance gates are looking very beautiful.the pillars are looking very long in height.i am also surprised after hearing that these are made of woods.

Thanks for sharing every aspect of it
Really a wonderful place nice clicks :)

an intriguing post today, @slowwalker about the Four Great Kings and the four entrance gates to the Soo Deok Sa temple.

The Four Guardian Kings represent the four cardinal directions and each god is in charge of one - Vaishravana (North), Dhritarashtra (East), Virudhaka (South), Virupaksha (West).

It seems these Kings are aways depicted as muscular, heavily-armed warriors who guard the outer boundaries of the temple.

Apparently, they had their origins as indian gods and at some later date were incorporated into the Buddhist narrative as protective entities.

Your photos of these statues were impressive, @slowwalker as were your shots of the four gates.

An interesting post today, my friend.


thank you as always

Fantastic pics! Great perspectives you choose out! Dope shots aaaaaand great informations! It was a pleasure for me to read your post! Thanks for sharing it with the community! Upvotet and resteemed:-)

Kindly follow me ill follow you too

Great post I just love the architecture and colour of these buildings. I would love to visit one day. Definitely this I live somewhere like this in a past life, very drawn to it haha.

Great post I just love the architecture and colour of these buildings. I would love to visit one day. Definitely this I live somewhere like this in a past life, very drawn to it haha.

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Very interesting post!))

May be it was the way of purifying the person step by step. In India we have many places which have these multi entrances and we are washed out our feet at every entrance with the water. Some religious importance may be hidden in these big pillars.

thank you. it could be.

great work

great work

Thank you for our guided tour of the temple entrances.

It is so beautiful! I'd love to go there in person!

I hope you will continue to post more of a tour of this beautiful temple!

Nice post @slowwalker. I love visiting buddhist temples. It's so peaceful, calm and relaxing. Keep sharing your travel experiences:)

great pictures!!

If you are in Malaysia, we can go out for travel photography together! :)Malaysia has chinese temple, malay mosque and also indian temple. While doing street photography, you can find many races on the road, very interesting :) you will love it.

Temples showing culture and history.
So Beautiful
i upvoted it.

Temples showing culture and history.
So Beautiful
i upvoted it.

Your culture is very interesting. Why is some in Korean and other writing in Chinese? The names of the gates is interesting too.

i like this

Lovely pics and very cultural, love it

Lovely pics and cultural, I love it

Perhaps the entrance to shrine Soo Deok Sa adapted to the West, East, North and South, it must have specific meaning...

Nice share buddy

Интересный рассказ и фотографии! Спасибо!

Look like really interesting place to see and breath, @slowwalker!

Look like really interesting place to see and breath, @slowwalker!

Thank You for sharing. it is interesting

great information,keep posting such great content

Interesting post!

Congratulations @slowwalker!
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Hi my friend @slowwalker! It's been a year since I signed up for Steemit. I learned so much about your country and culture. I value our friendship. Thank you for your support!

good bor

Is this is a heritage site? It is quite impressive. Is it possible to provide some more background on the temple? I lived in Korea and I was here once. Most of the information is written in Korean which I don't read.

oh.. looks really interesting..