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RE: Improving the Curation-Rewards Process via a Significant (though Subtle) Change to Auto-Voting …

in #curation3 years ago

Any system that does not look at the whole issue is only a band-aid. Any curation system that does not include the down vote (anti-curation), is only another attempt to maximize the returns for large accounts.

I saw no where in your proposal talking about the down votes, so in my point of view it is an incomplete proposal.

When it is fixed so that large curation teams with a lot of Hive Power, can not down vote non plagiarized post, nor down vote excessive reward post.

Due to the actions of a few large curation accounts, Hive Block Chain is going the way of Face Book, Youtube, and other social media accounts where only content they find acceptable is allowed to be rewarded, and all other points of view are to be muted or down voted into oblivion.

No I have not been muted/down voted to oblivion, I thought Hive had moved beyond actions that down voted content not for cause but because of opinion/point of view. Hive is a world wide platform, not a one country platform, not a one opinion platform, and evidently not a free speech zone either.

So before fixing and putting a band-aid on half the issue perhaps review and look at the whole issue.