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RE: Curie Author Showcase (January 25th, 2018)

in #curation6 years ago

I like what you do here. It gives someone like me who is quite new and young a sense of belonging. I am glad you take out time to scout quality contents too.

Sometimes the good contents are there but they are not seen which end up making them buried with little or no upvotes, comments or even resteem.. Well is the irony of life..

But for me as an individual.. I must say I am working hard everyday to push myself up in the community where my work will be seen.. And also help others grow too through a formidable alliance..

In my little number of days here i have attain some little feat too by having over 80 followers in less than 14days and reputation on 39.. I am grateful for this.

I am not going to stop till i get my dream achieved. @curie you are doing a great job and I must sau it has been my source of motivation and inspiration.

If you come accross my work and you deem it fit to upvote,comment and resteem it will be highly appreciated as i will like to sit on the shoulder of my teachers to see more.

I am me @brightfame