Archdruid Gaming: Author Showcase Issue 29

in #curation5 years ago (edited)

@Archdruid is a gaming community that focuses on finding amazing and undervalued gaming content and showing support. We work with many communities and individuals to make this happen.

Here are five authors that caught our attention this week and the posts that we found amazing. As such, they got an upvote from us and are being featured here. Well played guys and gals!

Author 1


@Bengy who writes about music, personal life and gaming have something a little different each day of the week. Continuing in his series of Situation Report for the United Nations of Earth from the game Stellaris. We get to see how his galactic conquest has gone so far. Quite a few technology upgrades, politics and even some interesting choices regarding ethicals and bioengineering have gone underway in this update. Will be interesting in the coming weeks to see how everything unfolds!

Author 2


@Gniksivart writes on quite a diverse range of topics everything from cryptocurrency to gaming. With League of Legends starting to ramp up for their next big esports event he goes over the different teams in Roster Changes, Week 1, and Power Rankings. He breaks down some of his picks and talks about the different teams and their roaster choices. Along with anything of note that could hinder or bring newfound success towards those looking to take home the win. Decent amount of history on the different players as well.

Author 3


@Loreshapergames is renounced for his in-depth knowledge of roleplaying and tabletop games. He does everything from write about it to release games over on DriveThruRPG that their company produces. Many times you get to find more about the process and what helps create a really rich and inviting world around this genre. In Nuanced Evil he explores the topic of several different kinds of villains that these worlds can be filled with. He shares backstories and characters from his own works showing the different possible lens a writer can use.

Author 4


@Stortebeker writes about art, food, and Steem Monsters with the first two focusing in on his local area of Mexico City. On the Steem Monsters side, he explores buying and selling in The Joy of Trading Cards. Where he goes over his own experience of observation and testing the waters for card price points. He also shares his story about his biggest sale ever from opening his daily rewards.

Author 5


@Dlstudios has two great passions that he shares about anime and gaming. His gaming content can be everything from reviews to things in the game industry that just drives him to his wits ends such as NISA is Ruining Good Things. In it, he breaks down many of the crimes against gaming this company has carried out when they localize a game. Everything from them performing a poor job at it to unwarned censorship stripping away the very nature of a game. Along with quite a few other things that could drive any fan of a game into a berserker rage.


Written by @enjar on behalf of Archdruid Gaming.


@bengy, @gniksivart, @stortebeker, @dlstudios; to support the efforts of the Archdruid Gaming Community to encourage and reward quality content creators, this week Loreshaper Games has purchased two SBI shares for each of the authors showcased here.


Thank you for showing your support. Have a great weekend.

Thank you very much for the SBI share! Much appreciated!

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.
@c-squared runs a community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us here

Thanks, have a great and warm weekend over there!

Very supportive community when it comes to legit, well thought out work, happy to have found them.

Glad you found us! Have a wonderful weekend.

Thank you for the author feature! Going to get some reviews up soon... I hope!

Nice! You always do create amazing game reviews. I been slacking in that department as well. Been enjoying to much Path of Exile :)

I trried Poe, it is good, but I'm not really into that aRPG genre.... But it is a very good example of it! The last one I played was Van Helsing.

Hi @enjar!

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In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 195 contributions, your post is ranked at #33.

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