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RE: Curie Author Showcase (May 12th, 2018)

in #curation6 years ago

So I'm unfamiliar with Curie; do you have to be on Discord to try for it (I ask because my only internet device is a Kindle, which has its own app store and Discord isn't in it, argh)?


No, not at all. Discord is just an addon type thing where you can interact a bit more. You can still follow us @curie for the twice weekly Author Showcases, resteemed exceptional posts from time to time, and more. If you'd like to see all the posts as they get upvoted you can join Streemian and then head to . There it will show the ten most recent posts we upvoted. We are working on a new platform as well that will make seeing all the posts even easier.

If you are asking how to get a Curie upvote for yourself - Just simply continually created exceptional content here on Steem. We have a large group of more than 60 active Curators out searching all the time for the best content. If your great content is out there one of us will find it through various methods.

Awesome! Thanks! :)
If I see a great post by someone else, there's no nomination process though if you're not one of the chosen curators?