An important update : All trail members must read it

in #curation7 years ago

At first I beg pardons for my disappearance from steemit platform time to time. But, this is not my main business nor a source of income. All day I remain active and busy on software development, Forex/Options trading, Crypto trading & ICO investments. So, I have a very less time to give time on this trail to operate it smoothly. I can only invest which I had already started. From  now I declare that every month I will power up at least 8K to 10K SP (if I find a great profitability then I'll increase the amount). I think it will definitely help the community. But, the amount which I have to invest is much in India, about 11,88,000 INR per month yet to be invested. So, if I continue it for 1 year then I have to invest about 1,42,56,000 INR. Which is a huge amount. So, in the near future whales supports will not be necessary. This makes a good sound for community but it tends to a huge responsibility too. And I have shortage of my time. So, I need some help from you. Which type of help ?

-> Need to create a chat channel like as steemit chat (Currently I have a very bad experience to access steemit chat, maximum time I can't connect to the server). So, I need another chat channel on different platform besides seemit chat. Which channel is better ? Discord app ?

-> Need some moderators to keep the channel safe from spamming.

-> Need some curators to help me find the good undervalued posts of my trail members.

-> Need to build some rules and regulations for the trail, and also need to build voting rules.

-> Need some volunteers to contact other steemit reputed authors for getting supports & advices.

-> Need to monitor always for finding any abuse of trail votes.

That's all, if you think any other then mention it on reply. I think this will make our Indian authors happy. 

Jay Hind. 

Bharat Mata Ki Jay ....


Why not use Discord @royalmacro? It is better than Steemit.Chat and even since the problems with Steemit.Chat many channels are moving to the Discord platform. Lot of advantage there for sure.

Yes, Discord is mostly stable, widely used and has many options. Definitely the best choice.

thanks for suggesting discord :)

thank you for your suggestion. Yes, I'm also thinking exactly the same :)

Thanx for sharing.
Keep up the good work :)

Yes discord better option. I can be moderator.

Ok... when I start the channel then I'll contact you. Mind it "moderators" are very important in a channel, you must have enough time :)

Yes I know. Can you please reply to my message on discord.

@royalmacro let me know if you require any more mods, would love to assist !

plz oin the channel & drop me a direct message to discuss :)

@royalmacro: I didn't knew that, you are from India, This sounds really amazing. How can apply for moderators position. Jai Hind ;)

I'll contact you after channel creation :)

I think Discord is the way forward! @royalmacro I can be a curator

Thanks for the heads up ! :-D

and thanks for your compliment :)

We will support you of course!

nice GIF ...... thnx :D

I can be a moderator :D

thanks for your interest ....... I'll contact you after channel creation :)

thank you :D

Good looking out for India. They are lucky to have you

thank you :)

look at the link in my profile page.... we can setup of course a chat channel in the new discord app I setup ;)

contact me via discord buddy!

thank you .... I'll contact you soon :)

lol - I am stupid... filled out wrong link. Haha :)

Discord works really well. I would be happy to volunteer to help in any way i could! I love finding new user content!

nice .... you wanna be a curator ? I'll contact you soon :)

Yes, i sent you a message on Steemit chat :)

This is great idea to continue the trail in a safe and healthy way.

Jai hind......

thanks ...... best compliments
Jay Hind :D

Good initiative.

welcome back friend... bharat mata ki jai... :)

thanks @inviterx :)
Bharat Mata Ki Jay

I have no idea what to do, but I want to be a member of your channel. Jay Hind.

thanks @maya7 :)

You are most welcome D. I want your kind appreciation .

I can be used multipely and you can fix my role better

I can be a moderator

thanks for your interest. I'll contact soon

Put this on Discord man. Let's go!

Yeah ...... I'll definitely do

Good luck curating and setting up the team to assist you! :)

Many many thanks to @firepower. Your support is always welcome :)

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by royalmacro from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

Good day dear friend @royalmacro in terms of communication I believe the channel discordia could become a good option, the other I can offer is to collaborate as a curator to find new talent as long as you give me the guidelines in which the function , I am 100% of my time working here could be of your collaboration.
I hope you can find all the support you need
You have a good day

thanks after channel opened I'll contact you :)

When you think it convenient, let me know and we'll talk

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