I doubt that anyone of those who are on the trending curators list by the curation score uses this method, vote for some random crap and hope for the better
It was hyperbole to illustrate a point. The algorithm favors unvoted content over voted content far in excess of the difference in quality or user preferences, or more to the point in large part regardless of the gap between current expected (relative) payout and (relative) quality. In fact top curators must use something in principle similar to the method I described, just a somewhat less extreme version of it.
Just try to imagine the opposite
Something highly subjective, isn't it ?
Even more subjective
From my personal experience I never suffered much because of need to choose between "low-quality/high expected payout" and "high quality/low expected payout" because of having enough "high quality/high expected payout" options ( and somehow restricted amount of voting power , I don't really want it to sunk below 80% , if I start to play in "casino" I think it would go below 50% )
Anyway, I was never able to figure out why rshares market idea is something to be ignored, is there something I don't know about ?