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RE: Accounts disabled

in #curationtrail5 years ago

Shrug. Thanks for the votes I'll be edit it no worries. Besides my other accounts on my trail.

Best of luck!

And if you would like to talk reasons message me on discord and read your previous messages. But yeah thanks but I'm gonna apply that voting power elsewhere.

Posted using Partiko Android


If your going to act like a bi polar crazy dude in the dm and harass people because you cant follow simple instructions or just want the groups vote without giving your vote back then please stay away. You keep coming back though. Ill just not add you anymore and be thankful if you ride in on your horse again to our trail just to have your name on it.

Ohhhhh doesn't me to follow your new instructions. Got it.

Hey I'm not the one who spazzed.

But hey can't fix stupid!

Like I said I'll just take your shitty service off and use my accounts to help someone who isn't a rude insulting ass.

By all means think your going to tell me what to do? Naw.

Let's have this conversation in person and I bet you dont run your mouth like this.

No respect and demands of more.

If this was an issue why wasn't it politely asked? No.... Gonna kick you off! Lol cool! Fuck you Fuck your shitty service and self righteous attitude.

Like I said, but you don't run your mouth in person.

Don't take it personal bitch, it's just business.

Posted using Partiko Android

Please get help. You really need it.

Lol judgemental much?

Posted using Partiko Android

What I could use is someone honest about his motives and not whining about getting votes. Demanding to throw me off over a $0.01 vote? Shit go ahead. And act stupid on blockchain?

Thanks for the new comedy materials! Your right up there with the cow farts and cowpocylapse.

Flexing over a penny vote. Hahaha!

Posted using Partiko Android

Take away the penny vote... I dare you. This is so funny.

Posted using Partiko Android