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RE: πŸ”Ž3 CURIOUS FACTS about you CHALLENGE #4 πŸ’° Prize: UPVOTE and SBD + WINNERS from #3

in #curiousfacts β€’ 6 years ago
  1. I have joined steemit because i need something to fill up my time and earn me money. Steemit has helped me make better use of my time online while improving my writing skills and earning some income on the icing on the cake.
  2. A bad habit i have and would like to quit is procrastination. This bad habit has made me lose a lot of opportunities. I look forward to the day i won't experience it anymore. I am determined to make this dream a reality.
  3. If i had the power to turn back time, i would never have fought with my best friend, two years ago. I would appreciate her for who she is and believe she looks out for me. My pride and strongheadedness has destroyed the wonderful relationship i had with her. I miss her carefree laughter.
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Hey happy to see another entry from you. Thank you and good luck. πŸ™πŸ˜Š
