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RE: Black market Fridays - #SolutionsWatch

in #currentevents3 years ago

Let's put it this way.. If I, or another human life, is in jeopardy of great bodily harm or death, then I will meet that force with equal force. I will not escalate it, but I will finish it, by whatever means are necessary. Trespassing would not justify the use of deadly force imo.


Thats my #1 concern to be honest, is protecting my private property. If I can't kill trespassers I do not see that as a home, I must be able to defend myself. I was asking about Mexican laws, not your opinion, in Florida I can shoot to kill without proving deadly intent, and I like that because unexpected visitors and unwanted company are my least desired forms of human interaction.

I plan everything with meticulous detail, in clouding the security system I will be install once I find a home, if I can't use that security system to my tactical advantage what is the point of security my home?

You have every right to defend yourself or another human life using (and not surpassing) equal force. You cannot use deadly force to protect property in Florida. In Florida, as in most places, you cannot use deadly force unless you are 100% convinced that a human life is in immediate jeopardy of great bodily harm or death. I know, because I used to teach law there to, and with active duty police officers. Castle Doctrine explains this in detail. The FL Division of Licensing there can explain even further.

I thought in states without the duty to retreat aspect of the doctrine, you could "assume intent to cause harm" if there was a illegal entry to your property? (Or it was accessed in anyway illegally, like by hacking your security network)

So that only includes the house itself, not the parameter fence?

Forget your property there. As I said, you cannot use deadly force unless you are 100% convinced that a HUMAN LIFE is in immediate jeopardy of great bodily harm or death. I'm not trying to be rude, but I would like to help keep you out of jail if possible.

Do you know of any place I can shoot as soon as they cross the property line?

Thats where I would feel safe, I don't want anyone I have not specifically invited myself to have access to my home, so I have to look death in the face everywhere before I can shoot?

I will keep searching because I know there has to be some place on earth, that uninvited visitors can be considered a threat.

If they have a face cover is that enough of a threat to shoot them?

Not that I know of. This is pretty much universal around the world. You better be able to convince a jury that you were 100% convinced that a HUMAN LIFE was in immediate jeopardy of great bodily harm or death, and THAT is why you felt you had no choice but to pull the trigger and kill that person. That person is probably going to have some very angry friends and family too...

Is an electric fence legal for private property? I heard they are hard to maintain, but this is stuff that is taboo to talk about and I never get answers as clear as this. The value for human life makes sense, but it only took 1 minute for me to be completely covered in bear mace and be getting the shit kicked out of me, and robbed when I was the victim of what I call trust... Cant have anyone know where your front door is in this world.

You had to gasp for air in between punches and feel the needles hit your lungs because they hit you bear mace? Life in prison in that moment doesn't mean much either.