Cyber-FM: Best Radio Network for Promoting Independent Artistes

in #cyberfm6 years ago (edited)


The ultimate goal of a recording artiste is to sell music albums and then get touring contracts. The best way to achieve this is through promotion which gets the music played on radio and TV channels. In fact, getting massive airplay for your song means selling more CDs, selling more CDs means more touring gigs, and more touring gigs also means selling more CDs. It's just like a cyclical system that feeds on itself. Record charts used on music billboards are designed based on sales, streams, and airplay; record sales increase with airplay; and this ensures that the song remains on the charts for as long as possible. In a nutshell, as a musician, you need to promote your albums in order to sell, hit the charts, and get noticed to be booked for lucrative contracts.

However, music promotion is "Big Business" and requires a lot of efforts and money. Most of the time, record labels make the efforts by contracting radio personalities, music promoters, and DJs to do the job for them. Radio stations involved are expected to add songs the promoters recommend to their weekly playlists. The stations give such adds massive airtime and, in the process, drag the songs up the charts. By the way, those charges paid by record labels are deducted from music royalties and those artistes are left with virtually nothing at the end of the day.

Independent and unsigned artistes face much more challenges to get their songs promoted as they don't have the luxury of being sponsored by any popular record label. For such artistes, the temptation to join a label is always there, even though it may not really work out. However, innovative solutions to this problem are now being created. One such solution is what I intend to examine today.

Cyber-FM Radio Network


Cyber-FM is an online radio network with multiple channels providing broadcasting service to millions of listeners across the world. For more than a decade, Cyber-FM has been in the business of promoting music by providing listeners with access to songs hitherto unavailable on mainstream channels, at no charge. Meanwhile, listeners in various countries get unrestricted access to different genres of music through their mobile apps.

Why Cyber-FM is Unique

Unlike the other radio networks, Cyber-FM now has a blockchain based partner called Mainstream for the Underground or MFTU. MFTU has smart contract features which ensure that artistes can track the number of times their music is used on the channels and claim the royalty rewards in real time. The blockchain technology used on MFTU allows for micropayments with crypto tokens. Artistes will get credited directly with their earnings no matter how big or small.

In addition, Cyber-FM promotes both independent and upcoming artistes by playing their songs to millions of listeners across the globe. As a registered artiste on MFTU, for example, you are bound to enjoy key benefits like:

  • Earning airtime on Cyber-FM Network and partner radio channels, free of charge.

  • Getting your songs played alongside mainstream music from the same genre to level the playing field.

  • Going viral with your songs made accessible to millions of MFTU followers on social media.

For music lovers, Cyber-FM and MFTU offer what no other online radio network has ever done by rewarding listeners with tokens while listening to their favorite artiste.

In Conclusion

Cyber-FM Radio network is a great platform for promoting yourself as an indie or upcoming artiste and also protecting your music royalty . All what you need is to register on Cyber-FM and start uploading your music albums. The taste of the pudding, as they say, is in the eating!

#CyberFM #Investment #Cryptocurrency #DistributedLedger #RadioOnline #CYFM

For more information about Cyber-FM, please click on the links provided below.












Thank you for reading !

Questions regarding Cyber-FM are welcomed from our esteemed readers.


I just wish a coin burn was in place to increase the token value.

I just wish a coin
Burn was in place to increase
The token value.

                 - tcode53

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

You should also consider that a coin burn does little to no good. in fact, it only benefit short term holders who don't care at all for the project.

But even in future, the token value would be higher as there would be less supply. Yes it benefits short term, but also long term.

You should note that these are utility tokens, which would be needed payments of royalties and many more, therefore it doesn’t make much sense to burn the tokens.

I Love music so much, it helps me relax, and I hope I can also earn tokens by listening to different genres of music.

Yes you would, This is actually going to become automated in our Mobile Apps. Announcements regarding that would be made soon.

One of the best thing I love about the project is the cyber-fm android app. The music I stream from the app gladdens me down to my soul 🤗

This platform would be of great benefits to all artistes out there, I hope they get the word out there, so these artistes can notice innovative platforms such as these.

Cyber-FM would provide a secured and guaranteed payment for talented artistes. It would help keep the entertainment industry going.

Wow missed the TGE, would have loved to participate, to get it at a cheaper price than it is on exchanges now.

I cant even find the Roadmap

You can not find it because the project did not introduce it. What is the value of a token sold in the ICO?

Are we actually contradicting ourselves here or what? I think someone should visit the telegram group at least to get all the answers. CyberFM is a working project, fine the roadmap didn't display on the website for some reasons, that same reasons have restricted the platform for holding a successful ICO all this while. CyberFM is working already and there have been numerous testimony across the platform from artists, Audience as well as listeners.

Actually these tokens are very cheap right now and that is only reason I bought some after liquidating one other project's token. I have limited resources but I see this project has more potential and should be taken seriously by anyone who considers themselves to be a serious blockchain investor. I hope this is beginning which will not stop now until team makes this project successful.

if there was no Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) for any of the projects, then where did the project development fund come from ?

10 year old business that already has profitable revenue. "Investing in themselves."

I invested because of the idea, the team, the working product and because I believe in its potentials.

Loads of buy backs from team shows increased confidence on the project and product.

Have received some tokens in the past via airdrop, hope they worth some value with time