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RE: Cycling POWER - Lets talk about how to measure it (and how goddamned painful it is)

in #cycling4 years ago

Wow nice. I'm a cyclist having been a messenger in the past and toured much of SE Asia and other parts of the world as well. I'm so low tech that I don't even take my phone with my cycling normally haha but I can respect the love of tech and the desire to push yourself. Sometimes people ask me technical questions about distance and time of my rides and I tell them I don't even know what time it is. I'm just out there for having a nice time. However, it does still irk me if I get passed on my rides but maybe that's the price I pay for not caring about speed? I pass my share of riders as well... When on tour I do like to calculate my speed and distance at the end of the day and add it up at the end of the tour. Nice to see how far we can go :) For me power is about weight to power ratio. Luckily, I'm blessed with a skinny cyclists body so great for cycling although sometimes not so in common society...