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RE: Wet and Windy Saturday Cycle

in #cycling4 years ago

Seems to me like you're doing very well living in the moment in harmony with nature. Some would say the puddles are ominous, but they make the experience even more real, as do all asymmetric and/or imperfect things in life.

My Saturday just started, but we have a full lockdown in the weekends. Might travel through the yard and garden later, some puddles are bound to appear sooner or later 🙃


That is a plus - plenty of green in this part of the world and quite a peaceful trip due to the conditions.

A full lock down at the weekend, that doesn't sound great but at least you've got a garden to tend to.

Thanks for the visit :)


yeah, one of the upsides of living in an underpopulated third-world country is that
anyone (anyone who works at least) can afford some form of home with a small surrounding property/yard/garden 🌲

Each situation in life has it's pros and cons.

Cheers! :)

Pros and cons all over for sure :)

I'm OK without a garden, as long as there is a space close - park, woods, beach to name a few.

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