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RE: A Dash of Sult N Papper 10/22/20> A few more thoughts on yesterday’s Dash…

This here is a sticky wicket.

When you start getting into the court system, and what they consider law...
the only reasonable thing is to gather up all the lawyers and judges and put them on an island away from the rest of the world.

Larken Rose let the IRS take him to court, and although he proved his case, and the IRS failed to answer many, many questions, he was still sent to jail.

The reason is that the courts are all phoney.
There is only one American court, and that is the court of Import Export.

Every other so called "court of law" is a actually a court of the banks.

And it is a scam, just like our money.

What really makes this horrible is that it was all set up so that rich people could bludgeon little people. Little people can't afford court. (even when they are being tried for a felony)

Fortunately, some little people are learning and using the courts to bludgeon back. Soon the courts will be so overbooked, and such a detriment to the ruling elite/banks that the system will be abandoned.


You'll have to fill me in on the court of Import Export I am not familiar with that one.

People have no idea how much money is being made off of those courts, just the little justice of the peace court for our precinct generates over $12 million a year in traffic fines and court costs. Now that I think about; that court only covers the western half of precinct theere is another court about 12 miles to the east most likely doing about the same I'd guess.

I'm familiar with Larken Rose and his story. I agree he got shafted.

I had to laugh today as I heard part of the Rush Limbaugh show when he said this election is about the constitution. He said if the democrats win that we'll have given up everything the constitution protects for us and they'll do away with it.
I hate to tell him but that happened over 100 years ago, itss just they have pretty much kept it a secret.

I wish for once he'd just speak the truth about this country, he has to know it is all a sham. If doesn't he might as well tie the other half of his brain behind his back to keep his dumb ass company.
Thanks for the read and comment. Very much appreciated.