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RE: A Dash of Sult N Papper 07/04/20> The birth of a country in writing from 1776

in #dailydose4 years ago

Those two paragraphs are screaming at you because you know what is going on up in Washington isn't right. The frame work of the government system doesn't need torn down & replaced (constitution) but we do need to replace all the rest of it.

Along with two paragraphs you mentioned the listed "reasons" should scream as well, like this one; "He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance."

You and I don't have enough digits between us on our hands and feet to even count the number of Federal agencies that have been created that are doing this. Plus, through manipulation they've turned the 50 states into satellite extensions of the Washington based government instead of the states operating as sovereign and free independent states as outlined in the Paris Treaty of Peace 1783.

Sorry this reply is so late getting back to you. I did have a good 4th. My day looked something like this:
~ Slow Smoked pork ribs on the smoker
~ Cooked burgers and roasted corn on the cob on the grill
~ Won first place in the $100 HIVE "Titans of Poker Championship Tournament"
~ Spent the evening drinking ice cold Corona with lime around the fire pit while the boys launched our own fire works display
~ Then to end the night we had my favorite dessert; cheesecake.
All in all it was a good day. I hope yours was as well.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend. I need to get writing on the post about the Texas Corona statistics and clean up the empty bottles I left by the fire pit.


Yes, I agree. The frame is still in good shape but the rest of the country needs some restoration. : ).

That sounds like an excellent 4th of July. Congrats on that win! Ours was pretty quiet. We could see a lot of the fireworks being set off from our neighborhood though, that was nice. They were pretty consistent from 8pm until well past midnight. Amstel did much better this year with the fireworks. They usually put him on edge but not so much this year.

Enjoy what's left of this weekend my friend! Now I'm thirsty for a beer.