ⒶⒷⓇⒶⒽⒶⓂ - how much do I practice the thoughts which bring me joy?

in #dailyquotes5 years ago

Since nothing matters to you other than your personal alignment with your individual goals or desires, then that is where our work is. We are not here to debate the rightness or the wrongness of what you, or anyone, chooses. We are not taking sides, for or against, anything. We are here to help you understand that your life can be as wonderful or as horrible as you allow it to be. It all depends upon the thoughts that you practice. And therein lies the basis of anyone’s success: How much do I practice thoughts that bring me joy, and how much do I practice thoughts that bring me pain?


Excerpted from San Francisco, CA on 3/8/03

Abraham is the name given to a non-physical collective consciousness which speaks through a woman called Esther Hicks

In the photo:

Small Indonesian islands near Flores. With some awesome clouds to go with them. 2016

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Since I started reading them each morning I have been able to change the way I think and five years on I am able to manifest exactly what I desire in my life using the Law of Attraction. By reading these words on a daily basis, you can achieve this too 🙏🏻

I made this time-lapse film so that others may feel my passion...

Here are two posts which will be helpful if you would like to learn more about Law of Attraction:

What is Law of Attraction

How to practice Law of Attraction


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great question as always

Abraham provides the questions ;)

I just do a random pick from a very large collection each day. Must be over two years now. Boy time flies!

I haven't logged in here in a few months so it's nice to see you are still at it.

Yep, still here and plugging away with the dream of seeing a $10 steem!

The market does at least seem to be slowly grinding in the right direction :)

My first month here I got my account up to $300, now it is worth like $160, haven't taken anything out.

Yeah, personally I try not to think about actual values at this stage. I remember going through the same thing in 2016 - early 2017. The value of my account went down during my first 7 months here, but I stuck around because a crypto buddy assured me it was only a question of time and nothing much has changed this time around.

If you want a calculation try this one:

Steem went up x53 times in an 8 month period in 2017. So, multiply your current value by x53 and call that the 'potential' value of your account. Though in truth we will surpass those levels and your account will be worth way more!

I stopped worrying about it a while ago, I would probably post for free. It would sure be cool if it did someday become worth money and I like the concept of getting something for posting content. I think it is the future. Maybe not STEEM but something like it.

We are not taking sides, for or against, anything.

Confucius say ;
He who sit on fence, get ass full of splinters..

I have some philosophical points to raise with you - but it's getting late(ish) here, and I've also had a beer - which makes my usual nonsense even more nonsensical..
Speak tomorrow.

Excellent bit of Confucius there! Am ready when you are ;)

You may be interested to know that the events in Paris at the weekend motivated me to write another yellow vest post: https://steempeak.com/news/@samstonehill/yellow-vests-respond-to-macron-s-grand-debate-with-a-day-of-destruction-in-central-paris-act-18

Good post sir!
Wasn't macron near your neck of the woods, skiing- over the weekend?
(I hope you never provided them any nibbles.lol)

Yes I saw that he was skiing not too far from here. Poor little sausage had to call his skiing holiday off to come home and deal with a burning capital.

No nibbles from us!

Macron is like a laundry product.


A cheap one which doesn't work.

....are you trying to imply that he has substance of some kind, sir?


I have some philosophical points to raise with you

We are here to help you understand that your life can be as wonderful or as horrible as you allow it to be.

I love my life when I kill children and steal money of old people..

It all depends upon the thoughts that you practice.

These thought make me happy. So I do them.

And therein lies the basis of anyone’s success:

I feel so successful then

We are not here to debate the rightness or the wrongness of what you, or anyone, chooses

To not debate ethics or morals, relative to choice - it to absolve yourself from any responsibility in society....?

'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law'.....is not a good idea for a cohesive and productive world

...here endeth my point.

I absolutely enjoy reading your comments @lucylin

Respect for your constant support to others.


Cheers, although 'support' might be a little generous...lol

I'm there with you! Thoughts lead to actions, actions lead to quality of life and destiny itself...Great words, well done! :)

Always lovely to see you here :)

Thoughts are the most powerful tool we have here. And thinking must be practiced like any other skill!

Hi @samstonehill

Title of your post attracted my attention right away :)

We are here to help you understand that your life can be as wonderful or as horrible as you allow it to be.

To some certain degree I would agree with that statement. We're partly masters of our life. And surely we can be more or less positive and joyful.

Cheers, Piotr