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RE: World Renowned Humanitarian Peter Dalglish Arrested on Suspicion of Pedophilia

in #dalglish6 years ago (edited)

Pizza gate or more aptly named pedogate as David Seamen calls is is 100% real. It spans the world and involves rich affluent men and women. These people are usually in positions of power and wealth and use this to molest children and utilize children in ritual abuse and yes even sacrifice. Vey high ranking clergymen In the Vatican and government officials from all across the world are also a huge part of this. Most of the bloodline Illuminati families are the main ones pulling the strings behind the scenes with this child abuse as well. The tides are breaking here, these people are finally losing there protection and being taken down. I believe before the end of this year high level pedos like the podesta aka the molesta brothers and others will be brought to justice.