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RE: World Renowned Humanitarian Peter Dalglish Arrested on Suspicion of Pedophilia

in #dalglish6 years ago

This is sickening on so many levels. I'm a father of daughter, granted she's only 2 but even at 12 or 14 they're still children, they're matured adults. I don't understand what it is in the brain of a sexual predator that makes them attracted to children. It makes no sense. For someone I'm such a well re known position too, I'm sure nobody would have ever thought he was capable of something like this and he could have honestly been doing this his whole career or at least for years, he just happened to get caught with his pants down this time. Personally for me it basically over shadows all the good he did do with his career because quietly in the shadows he's been out there lurking as a monster and tormenting young women. Shameful.